Are you on bedrest for pregnancy or any other reason?
Are you restless, agitated, or bored out of your mind?
Are the walls closing in? Is every sound from other humans in your household about to stomp your last nerve? Is the stir-crazy about to set in?
Well, here are a few things I have done to help with my bedrest blues that might help you out too!

Let’s face it, you can only scroll Facebook and Pinterest on your phone so much before it all looks the same. But it was thanks to Facebook groups for pregnant moms, and Pinterest pins with great ideas, that I was able to overcome the dreaded bedrest blues from time to time. So, let’s go over some of the amazing ideas I found, used, and loved!

My Home Business:
I am an independent Scentsy consultant and a lot of my business traffic is online. I spend portions of my days creating flyers, pictures, promotions, and invitations to online parties on my computer. This is something anyone with a home-based business can do, as nearly every direct sales or home-business has online components to them anymore.
Well, yeah! That’s what I do! Now, writer’s block is an issue at times when one
is attached to a bed with only windows and a computer screen to look at. But I
realized so many others out there are stuck to their beds as well, and my most
recent writer’s block totally went away!
If you write, this is the perfect time to do it! Even if it’s not a blog. Journaling
is therapeutic, as well as other forms of writing. Songs, stories, poetry,
jokes, lists, and the ideas go on!

Read Books:
While I understand it is easy to just grab your phone, tablet, or Kindle
reader, and open digital books to read, I highly recommend physical books.
There is just something about holding a book in your hands, turning the pages,
and closing the book after the last page has been read that is simply
satisfying. There’s a plethora of book genres to choose from, as well. Ask for
recommendations on social media and try a few.
Binge Your Shows:
If you have cable or satellite TV, great! On Demand channels are awesome! I
have Netflix, Hulu, and Prime Video myself, and I use them daily! You can list
your favorite shows, check for updated and new episodes, turn to your social
media for suggestions, or just try out new things you’ve never seen.
Learn A Hobby:
There are so many hobby ideas and options out there!! YouTube videos abound
with tutorials and instruction videos for nearly everything! And it doesn’t
matter if you are Right-handed, Left-handed, or Ambidextrous! I am Left
dominant and I have learned knitting, crochet, and other hobbies most Lefties
find hard to be taught, thanks to YouTube! Here are a few things you can do as
a hobby while on bedrest, and even long after you are finally free!!
- Crochet
- Knitting
- Embroidery
- Cross Stitching
- Painting/Drawing
- Puzzle Books (crossword, sudoku, word-search, etc.)
- Jigsaw Puzzles (you can get a board or other movable solid surface to set on your bed)
- Coloring books or pages (have you seen the giant coloring posters online??)
- Scrapbooking/Stamping-making cards (this is a perfect time to hand-make your Thank You cards for all the well wishes and gifts you have or will receive.)
- Making Jewelry
I would strongly suggest speaking with your doctor before engaging in any form of exercise, but if you get cleared to do some, here are a few ideas for you as well.
- Bedrest Yoga (you can find videos, information, instruction all over the internet for this)
- Mild Stretching; arms, side bends, legs, neck rolls, and some mild back stretches.
- Meditation/Deep Breathing
- Leg Lifts
- Yoga Ball Stretches

Entertain the Children:
You’d be surprised how much the kids miss you (if you have any) when you are
confined to one area and they are not! Even the most independent child in the
home misses their parent/loved one when he/she is not seen around the house.
Here are a few things that you can do with the kids without having to get up
and be active, and still have a great time!
- Board Games
- Card Games
- Coloring
- Word Games (Mad Libs, Mad Gab, Say What, etc.)
- Watch Movies Together
- Puzzles
- Crafting
- Build Legos
- Drawing
- Read Books
- Tell Stories (you’d be surprised with the things they come up with!)
These are just a few things that can be done to pass the time bedrest seems to steal from you. In all honesty, it really doesn’t steal much! Yes, it prevents you from cooking and cleaning, and running those important errands for you and the family, but there is such a bright, silver lining for this dark cloud!
It’s hard not to fall into depression when stuck in bed. These things can help prevent depression from creeping in.

Another thing is “Mom Guilt.” I am currently struggling with that little speedbump myself! Don’t give in! Accept the help of family and friends. Be excited about the food that is brought to you. Take advantage of those offers to take the kids for an hour or a day, to entertain them and give everyone a break. Don’t feel selfish or useless when the offers for help come. Some of these offers are coming from people who have been there and understand your struggle. They WANT to ease the burden. This is a temporary situation, and once you are up you can return the favors and kindness in your own ways. Make a list and read it often. It helps to see the names and times they helped you feel a little better. And maybe work on those thank you cards!

I hope this has helped spark some positive vibes and given you some ideas on how to survive your Bedrest Blues. Everyone has different ideas, different ways of coping, and not everything works for everyone. I’d love to hear back from my readers and see what helped you! If there’s anything NOT on my list, please feel free to share! I love getting new ideas and trying them out!
Remember, you are strong! You are important! And you can do this!