Third trimester blues were a reality for me this time around. This being my fourth pregnancy, I thought I had it all under control. Ha! Twins will definitely create a new conundrum for any mom who thinks she has it all together!

I did not ever find that burst of energy people talk about getting before the end. The second trimester was tense enough, but the third… Oh my heavens!

The contractions started around 31 weeks. Braxton Hicks Contractions were a thing from halfway into the pregnancy, and I was accustomed to what they felt like. The new contractions, however, brought a level of misery and discomfort that took me off my feet for weeks!

It wasn’t just the contractions, however. I had pains in places I didn’t know could hurt! I knew something was up with my body, but I could never put my finger on it. So, I took my concerns to my Dr…

They say not to look online for a self-diagnosis, but my body was screaming at me that things were not right, and my doctor’s office was adamant that it was “normal,” and it just seemed worse because I was carrying twins. Yes, they brushed off my concerns like they were nothing. You read that right. So, what did I do? Oh, you know it! I got online on every pregnancy website I could locate and listed all my symptoms. Yes, something was wrong, but I could NOT convince the medical staff of my concerns’ validity. Not one time! (At least I can say I stayed away from WebMD and “googling” my symptoms LOL)

I could go into details about the external circumstances that were also driving my health problems through the roof, but let’s just say I was dealing with a lot of “life situations” that brought on some mild depression and anxiety… of course, coupled with the third trimester conundrum I was having, my body was DONE.

I went to the hospital twice with the contractions issue. Once at 32 weeks, and the second time I was nearly 37 weeks along and felt like I was dying. Literally. I prayed to survive the drive to the hospital, and the return home (because they sent me back!). But! I got some answers that day, along with some extra testing and things to make sure that my life, and that of the twins, was not in any real danger should they send me home.

I changed doctors, at the suggestion of the Dr on call at the hospital that day, got in to see the new one the very next morning, and he scheduled me for a c-section for 8 days later. I had mixed emotions about the date (again, the other life issues that were happening as well) but was happy to finally see a doctor who believed me when I addressed my own concerns! I will talk about my new, favorite, doctor in an upcoming post. He’s a riot!

Now, during these last 13 weeks of my life, this GLORIOUS third trimester, I was facing the attempt at completing my house remodel as well. No, this was not some glamorous remodel idea and case of bad planning. I had to move walls, repair floors that were falling in, and do some other necessary things before I would even consider bringing newborn twins into the home. My helpers were gone, my money was depleted, and I felt so lost in the mess of things.

I created a Facebook group so my friends and family who wanted to stay updated on my pregnancy and situation could keep up with me. These WONDERFUL people came to my rescue in so many ways… blessing me with gift cards to the stores we were getting supplies from, money to help cover expenses, and gifts for the babies that overflowed my home! My older boys were blessed with gifts as well, which made them feel included and gave them some peace. Words cannot describe the mountain of emotions that I faced daily, and words cannot describe the appreciation I have for those who went out of their way to assist in any way they could.

The time came closer and closer, and things were getting done one-by-one. A few, small things were still incomplete when I went into the hospital July 16, but I was okay with that. They were minor and could be taken care of later. I was simply relieved that the big stuff was done, my home was nearly ready to bring in two more humans, and I was finally having them!!

Now, the takeaway from this chapter in my story is this:

When you feel like something is not right in your body, whether you are pregnant or not, get specific with your doctors and demand the necessary procedures to get answers! You know your body better than anyone else. Allow me to share with you what was wrong with mine…

I was severely dehydrated. The twins were sucking every ounce of nutrients from me, and in my condition, it didn’t matter what I ate, drank, how much I slept or stayed active, my body was not getting the nutrients it needed to keep going. Now, the positive is that the twins were perfectly healthy at birth. They were both over 6lbs (I’m trying not to get ahead of myself here…) and they were in amazing shape! I, however, was not. Along with the dehydration, my iron levels were dangerously low. When I say dangerously low… they prepped two units of blood before they would even allow me to go into the procedure to have the babies! They also pumped several bags of fluids into my body via dual IV connections before, during, and after the c-section. My body was depleted. Entirely.

Those final weeks of pregnancy, the last 3 months, were a trip through Jurassic Park! But every ultrasound picture, every kick, bump, fetal hiccups, and all signs of life and healthy babies were worth the troubles. Would I do it again? Begrudgingly, yes. But I would do it all over again to have them in my arms today. It was excruciating, and unbearable for weeks, but the reward is totally worth the struggle. Double reward!

Second takeaway from this post: Accept help offered to you, and never forget you DO have friends who love you and care about your well-being. You just have to be open about your struggles sometimes. If they don’t live with you, they won’t see it. Sometimes sharing your concerns with those who WANT to help you is what will be your saving grace. I am a “suffer in silence and alone” type of person. It was HARD for me to open up about my concerns. But, I did. And the blessings that poured from my being real and raw with those close to me far surpassed my problems! One day, I will be a blessing to someone else in need. I will pay it forward, and return the favor bestowed on me by so many.

And, above all, believe…