Christmas is a season of joy, sharing, caring, love, and lots of food and presents.

There are lights, trees, and glittering decorations inside and outside houses all over the world.

Christmas music is played in nearly every public place, and the smell of pies, cookies, and various candies fill the air.

The world of social media has created an image of this season that is absolutely gorgeous! Posts and pictures of babies, families, decorations, lights, and videos of concerts, skits and plays, funny parodies, and sentimental renditions of the most iconic Christmas songs ever written.

There are advertisements everywhere for the best gift ideas to get for loved ones. The world is shining with the spark of the season.

But some people are not okay at Christmas.

For some, this season hurts like no other, and it springs up a depressive state that is almost impossible to escape.

Amid the joys, lights, songs, and tearing of wrapping paper are hearts that are broken, heavy, and bruised.

Some will be celebrating their first Christmas without a parent, grandparent, child, or other family member.

Some will be celebrating their own final Christmas.

Some cannot buy gifts for their children and are struggling with that reality.

Some will sit alone on Christmas, while their families gather around a tree.

Some will sit with their families, and still be alone.

Some have sick children this season, whether it be a viral or chronic illness.

There will be split families, divorced parents, and children who are spending Christmas with one or the other.

Yes, this season is about joy, sharing, and uplifting the spirits. So, let us not forget the broken and heavy-laden hearts this Christmas.

This is the best time of the year for so many, but for thousands of others it is the worst time of the year. Some will hide it well. Underneath the smiles and laughter, their pain will be hard to see.

If you know someone who is hurting this year, or anyone who is trying to be strong for someone else, bless them in any way you can.

If you aren’t okay at Christmas, it’s okay.

Reach out to someone this season. Even if you cannot do face-to-face visits, or even talk on the phone. Just go hide in the bathroom for a minute to text and let it all out that way.

Turn on your favorite therapy music (mine is angry music every time) and take a long shower. If you have littles and cannot get away for a shower, set them up with a distraction and just sit with them with your earbuds in and listen to your therapy music that way.

I see you, hurting person. And I want you to know you are not alone. It feels like it will last forever, the pain and agony you feel today. But it won’t. I’ve been there. Heck, I’m still there! Christmas was once the time of year I looked forward to the most, and now I look forward to the close of the season.

Not only do I see you, hurting person, I also understand. We will get through this season together!