So, tonight I am sitting on my bed, exhausted in more than one way after the return to school for the boys.

I mean, really! Was this day one, or day 1,000?!

Let’s just kick this off with a classic “Becca Moment” from last night.

I fell asleep last night while setting my alarm on my phone!

Lucky for me, I woke up three minutes before it would have gone off anyway. How, I still don’t know, but I’m so glad I did!

I got Trooper #3 up first, he got ready to go and made his bus on time. This is rare!

Troopers #1 and #2 were not so easy to rise from their comfy places.

The twins slept through the entire ordeal and I was able to enjoy a full cup of coffee before they woke and were ready to be fed. It was glorious!

House cleaning commenced and I am happy to say I accomplished several small things! I may have gotten a little sidetracked along the way…

And then the frustrating parts of my day began.

See, I am trying my best to monetize my blog, so I can generate income from home to support my babies. I am also working on a book! Yes, you read that right. A book.

I was supposed to speak with a writing coach today and she canceled our call because I cannot pay her any money right now. Talk about a let-down! The call itself was free, but she wants me to buy her program, and I understand that. I just cannot give any money to anything other than bills at this time. *sadface*

So, I set to work trying to get my transcripts released from the college I got my degree from, to the regional office of education in my town, so I can get my license to teach. The university claims that I owe them money from a class I did not take, and will not release my transcripts, which are required to complete my licensure.

I was on the phone for over four hours today. Transferred from one rep to another, and then another. Calls got dropped and I had to start over again.

It was not my afternoon.

Somewhere in the middle of the phone battle, I started getting text messages from Trooper #2 stating that he was not feeling well and needed to come home. This started around 12:30pm and continued until the end of the day.

No. He is not sick.

He is struggling with some anxiety related to school and his body is affected by his anxiety and stress. This is another hurdle we get to jump together.

The boys got home from school while I was still battling over the phone with colleges and financial departments.

That will continue tomorrow as well.

I prepped food to be cooked for supper. When it was time to make said supper, NOBODY was awake!

I walked around the house like a lost puppy, checking my children for signs of life because it wasn’t even 6pm yet and not even one was making a sound! Good thing they had snacks before they crashed!

So, I came to my bed and got comfortable with my notebooks, journals, planners, Bible, another book I am currently reading, and determination to calm my over-anxious mind.

The struggle is real, folks!

I am taking you along with me on this journey, every step of the way. The good, the bad, and the ugly! Today was a little bit of good with a lot of the ugly. The good will always be my kiddos, my support system, and the knowledge that I am going to get through this.

I have said it before, and I’ll say it again. The outcome will be great, but the process is hard. It is very hard.

Today was just another chapter in this story of joyful chaos. Another piece of the testimony I will use in my amazing success I will achieve some day. That will be a great day, indeed.

But for now, I will focus on the good, deal with the bad, and make the ugly into something beautiful!