I had some interesting days last week!

Most of my days have been a bit less than productive, but a few have been better.

I’m not going to talk about my better days, though. Good days typically speak for themselves, but bad days we try our best to bury.

Bad days aren’t fun.

In fact, bad days just suck!

Bad days make us feel like we didn’t do enough, weren’t good enough, and just didn’t have it all together.

Yes, good days have those components as well, sometimes. There are plenty of days that are “good,” but we still don’t feel so great about them. But those bad days just grab you and you tend to forget that, even those bad days, there were good moments.

So, I’m going to pick one bad day from last week and expound on the day as a whole. The bad, the good, and the Becca of it all!

I overslept. The kids overslept. Only one made the bus for school, so I had to get one to school and another to the doctor by 9:30, with the twins in tow.

Coffee was necessary.

Food was forgotten.

I rushed to get everyone ready, and after the twins were changed, fed, and the diaper bag properly set up for the day, we got out the door, several minutes after I hoped to be.

Child One was dropped off at school, and I stopped at the gas station to put gas in the Denali before heading out of town to the Dr for my other musketeer.

I was tired, stressed, the day before had already been a total bust, and I just wanted to stay in bed. The coffee wasn’t cutting it this morning.

I went into the gas station and grabbed snacks for myself and the musketeer on the ride to the Doc, and some cold caffeine.

Now I have coffee, chips, soda, and more junk food. Breakfast of champions!

We made it to the appointment on time, and weren’t there forever, unlike other times where we were there for hours! Whew! So that was a small win!

I got him back to school just in time for lunch and made my way home. Yay!

On the way, I’m driving out of town and I look in my rearview mirror and see every city cop car in our town lining up on the main street behind me, coming my direction FAST! I pulled over to the side as soon as I could, and they screamed past me running full code! The only places outside the city limits that those cars would be going to were, the high school and the junior high… where my oldest two boys attend.

They turned that direction.

Panic attack occurs.

Slow, kinda rough day just got worse.

I found out later that it wasn’t a major threat issue, just a fight in the school that was getting quite out of hand. But let’s just think about the overactive mind of an anxious mother for a second, here.

As a previous cop, I knew that going to the school myself wasn’t going to happen, so I went home and waited, slightly tormented inside. I spoke with relatives who have radios and simply asked them to let me know what kind of call it was and left it at that. One of them let me know it was a fight and I was much better.

Needless to say, this mama got NOTHING done around the house all afternoon long! I had an anxiety attack to come down from, and anyone who has this knows it can be exhausting! I waited for the boys to get home just to make sure they were okay and get their version of the story. And, to be honest, I hoped it either wouldn’t be that great, or at least kinda humorous…

In his classic way, my son was nonchalant about the whole thing, and brushed it off like nothing. Great… I taught him too well!

I barely made it through the rest of the day and into the evening when we went to church for their first youth group meeting with this church family.

After that service, we went to Dairy Queen and enjoyed some food, because I didn’t put together a decent supper before church and I owed them all food and ice cream before going home.

We went to bed, much later than we should have, and overslept again the next morning!

And that, my friends, was quite a day! In my world, this is pretty “normal.”

But! Here is my takeaway from this “normal”, rough, tiring, stressful day…

I made it through.

I came up short on some things, but I rocked some others.

I got my son to his appointment on time!

He got back to school in time for a full lunch period!

My kids came home to me that afternoon, all well and safe!

We enjoyed some awesome food at a restaurant together and had some fun times!

And even though we overslept again the next morning, and the next day was equally interesting, we ended the day on a good note. Everyone was happy, healthy, and went to bed feeling loved.

At the end of the day, no matter how bad your day can get, if you can close it out with those things… that’s what matters.

All the love!
