After months and months of attempting to order groceries online, only to fall short just of submitting the order, I finally did it!


Why didn’t people tell me how easy and great this is for people like me?!

Oh wait…

You did!

Well, I am happy to say I finally listened! And the result was great!

This was an experience I am more than happy to repeat!

But you already know there is a story to be told here, and I can’t help but share it with you now.

Sunday night:

I was so excited about getting my purchase done, plus one of the twins was awake later than usual, I just kept shopping and looking for ideas before finishing the order. Before I knew it, my clock told me I was up way too late.

I double checked and submitted the order. I love how they send you to a “pre check out” screen where they ask if you missed anything and show you options of snacks, side items, and things that impulse buyers would definitely click on.

Yes, I clicked on a couple.

It’s like they KNOW what you’d buy!

Finally reaching the “cart” screen, I finished everything up and went to sleep.

Monday morning:

Ok, honestly this is where the actual story comes in.

Even after having a late night, everyone did sleep all night long, so getting up at 6am wasn’t really all that bad.

I got everyone up and ready, the boys all got on their buses for school, and I got myself ready to feed the twins and get them ready to go into town.

I had appointments in town, and I was determined I was going to be on time for once!

It was a gorgeous day outside! I contacted my mom to see if she wanted to do some shopping with me, since I was going to be in Paducah anyway, and we could take the twins on their first trip to the mall!

As it happens, she was also in Paducah for the morning, so it worked out perfectly!

Babies fed, dressed, diaper bag ready to go, I got everything and everyone into the Denali.

I held my breath as I pushed the button on the “kill switch” for the battery (our current symptom treater for whatever is wrong with the thing…) and, click! It made a ding sound, meaning the car was going to start today! Yay!

I got less than a mile from my first destination, only to remember that morning was the 3rd… my appointment there was the 4th.


I decided to go ahead and go in, because I had to schedule another appointment for something else at the same location anyway.

We all had a great laugh at my expense, I got the other appointment on the books, and then went on my way saying, “See you tomorrow!” as I went out the door.

I drove around town, parked in an empty parking lot, and messaged my mom.

We met at the mall in Paducah and started our fun journey with the twins as I waited for 12pm to come around so I could pick up my first ever grocery order at Walmart.

I realized just how much of a hermit I had become when I stepped out of my vehicle in the parking lot. There were new stores everywhere!

We walked through most of the new places, and I made a mental checklist of the things I wanted to come back for when I had the chance and the money.

What made the journey through the mall most entertaining were the encounters we had with people from start to finish!

“Oh! A baby! I love babies! Wait… are there TWO of them?! Oohhhh! Are they Twins???”

Yes, my dear stranger… this is a double stroller, clearly occupied by two babies of the same age and size. With one mommy and grandma in attendance with them.

I resisted the urge to pull a Bill Engvall and say, “Nope. Found the extra one in the parking lot and figured ‘why not? I have a double stroller here just in case that ever happens!’”

It was glorious!

The notification came on my phone that my order was ready for pickup, and we left the mall.

It was lunch time, and the babies were ready to eat as well, so we stopped at a Mexican restaurant to get something before loading up all my food items in the car. This was a great idea, because I’m prone to eating whatever I buy on the way home if I’m hungry… *Shrugs*

Steak Fajita Taco Salad for the WIN!

With happy bellies all around, we were ready to make our way across the highway to Walmart to do my very first pickup.

So, I look at my phone before leaving the restaurant parking lot, and it says I can check in online while on my way, so I don’t have to wait at the door.

I click “check in” and headed across the highway.


That thing has access to your location while the app is open and you’ve “checked in”!

It saw me in the parking lot and instructed me to select which parking space I was in. They are all numbered.

I was in spot #1.

Then it asked me what color my car is.

I looked at my phone and mumbled, “well it’s supposed to be white, buuuuut… gravel road life shows otherwise.”

I selected “white” and within SECONDS the door opened and two people rolling this towering stack of crates on a cart came out and down the ramp toward my car.

Whoa! Did I buy that much?!

Haha! Yes, I did.

I got out of my car and opened the back. The double stroller is still back there, mind you, so I told them I just put everything in here around and on top of the stroller when I load it up, and said they could do the same.

They got a kick out of me, because apparently it was obvious this was my first time. Ha! I have no idea how any of that works, and I guess when you are loading up people’s cars all day, every day, the “first timers” are easy to spot!

It was all good, though, and we all had a good laugh… again at my expense.

Happy Monday!

After that was done, I filled the tank up with gas, marked my mileage because of the gas gauge needle not working, and headed back across the river into Illinois.

We still had one last stop to make, at the new Dollar Tree.

I have been searching for some clear bags for my Scensty “grab bag” parties I’m going to start doing, and I hadn’t been to the new Dollar Tree in Metropolis yet since it opened.

We didn’t find any bags there, but we had a blast! Lots of cute things, and fun things, all over that store!

We made it back to my house just in time to meet the kids getting home from school. They helped me unload the vast amount of groceries and fill my kitchen floor with Walmart bags.

Some bags only had one item in them. Like… a little bottle of seasoning.

It made for a fun event of un-bagging and putting things away.

So, here’s my takeaway from this adventurous day in my week!

Monday was the ONLY good day I had, physically.

Literally every other day this week has been rough. Rough on my body, rough on my mind at times, and just… rough.

So, with every difficult moment I experienced this week, I have looked back with a smile on Monday. It was fun. It was good. And it was the one thing I needed to make the rest of the week shine.

I am thankful, always, for the little things. And I am thankful that I got to enjoy a day out with my mother, my babies, and for every chuckle we shared. Most of them at my expense. LoL!

I can’t wait for the next adventure!