While everyone in the world is giving their “Quarantine” updates to the world, I thought I’d just give you an update in ours… our normal life, routine… our chaos. 😊

I am thankful for the other bloggers out there, who are telling their stories of how they are surviving the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic, and the quarantine life that they are now living. It gives hope to the rest of the people out there who are struggling to keep their emotions in check, their head above water, and their sanity… period!

I, however, have been silent mostly because I have had to stay strong for myself, my kids, and my family on the frontlines.

My older three boys were excited at first, when they heard that there would be a break from school. This comes as no surprise to those who know us well, because I have two boys who struggle and would rather not attend the brick and mortar schools for their education.

It was vacation, early!

They went to school on Monday, March 9, 2020, to receive their packets and have a final day with their classmates and teachers. When they got off the bus that afternoon, they were under the impression that they would be out until March 31, 2020. I let them believe that would be their reality… for a time.

I knew otherwise.

It was only the beginning.

The reality was that, I knew it would be longer than the end of March before we saw and end to the crisis our world is enduring, but we are in a tunnel. A dark tunnel, with no end in sight just yet.

Things are so different, and yet they are the same.

We get up, dress for the day, eat breakfast. I clean, do dishes, laundry, and scroll FB or news pages, to see the latest in the world. The kids play games, read something, do a page or two of their school packets, and play more. On warm days they play outside. On the cooler days (like today) they hang out indoors.

It’s like summer vacation, but with some extra academics they would normally leave behind until August.

In my home, with my family, our world isn’t entirely different during this “social distance” time of our lives. Yes, some things are different, but overall, we are doing the same things we have done for years in our little world.

And yet, the difference (for almost everyone) is this:

We aren’t scrolling social media with our normal ideas in mind. We are looking for the latest cases of a virus, new positive tests, where they are, new deaths, new recoveries.

We are looking for our state governors press conferences, giving us updates for our areas, and what new restrictions we may have to endure.

We wait for the Presidential press conference where he gives us a national update, updates from FEMA, FDA, medical and other professional updates for the entire country as a whole.

We find memes that make light of our situation, give us laughs, smiles, and humor in our trying times.

We find people talking about how they are helping their fellow man in need during these trying times.

We see good and bad everywhere, and hope to find an end to this tunnel we are in.

People have opinions about the virus itself, how others are handling it, supplies for the medical world, necessities for the population, and so on.

I have read many opinions, watched many press conferences, and listened to many people speak about the pandemic, the struggle, and its affect on the entire world.

And I sit in my house, with my children, as any normal day…

And I smile.

What have I to smile about? I’m so glad you asked!

The past few weeks my boys and I have had many conversations. I have heard their fears, their adjustments, their perspective on things, and their dreams for their futures.

We have read books, played games, put some puzzles together, cooked some (very) unique meals together, made brownies, muffins, and even FIXED my stove issue I’ve had for months!

We have cleaned up a large portion of our yard that looked rough for quite some time, and planted seeds for a garden we are excited to see grow this year.

We have played with the babies, A LOT, and shared so many giggles, laughs, smiles, and fun that I have found this entire situation to be one of the biggest blessings for myself, my children, and my home.

My soul needed some searching time, and I got it!

My heart needed some cleansing time, and I got it!

My mind needed some new creativity time, and I got it!

My children needed more time with me, and we got it!

I understand that cabin fever is an issue, and we have dealt with it a little already.

But the world is still turning, the sun is still rising and setting, and the one thing we have in our favor right now is time. It’s still moving, which is great, because as it passes answers are being found, steps are being taken, and once time passes and this is a thing of our past, we will have many things to look back on… memories only, of the tragedy, the crisis, the pandemic that changed our lives… if we let it.

And I have let it. I have let change creep into my world, change for the better. And in this life, that is what matters.

Much Love,
