One thing that is first and foremost in everyone’s mind, these days, is the virus that has spread across the entire world.

Another thing is the economic crisis that has followed.

And another thing everyone worries about is, “When will things go back to normal?”

I have heard in many press conferences, people speaking of “Normal” and the “New Normal” for our country and our families.

That last bit begs a few questions, for all of us.

What is normal?

What was your “normal” before this began?

Did you like it?

Were you happy in your “normal?”

Was your old “normal” something you would want to return to?

Will you fall back into it even if you don’t want to?

I’ll share my old “normal” with you.

I had JUST become accustomed to a pattern of life. I had two infants in my home who were demanding a routine and schedule that I should have had in place for a decade. I finally did it!

We went to bed by a certain time, got up by a certain time, and had routines throughout the weekdays.

Weekends were another story.

Yes, the twins and I kept nearly the same schedule, but I was exhausted trying to keep up with all five kids on those weekend days, and then adding a couple here and there for sleepovers or random babysitting times when my sister had a fire call to respond to.

Did I enjoy those extras? Oh yes! We always had fun when other kids were here, family or not! But it would wear me out quickly.

Sometimes it took days to recoup from those types of events, yet I am not complaining in the least! My children were happy, and so was I! But my body was not. Ever.

Daily repeats, over and over.

Weekly repeats, over and over.

While it was good, it wasn’t fulfilling. There were still missing pieces, and I wasn’t finding them and putting them together. Just going through the motions.

And then BOOM! “Shelter In Place.”


The first week was scattered!

The twins and I kept our routine. The older boys did not. They stayed up late, slept late, stayed up later, and so on.

We spent the first month of this mess indoors more than outdoors because Mother Nature was also in a bit of an upset, raining, snow flurries, more rain, frost, rain…

Cabin Fever set in, and lasted longer than I was comfortable with.

We lost focus. We lost our direction.

School lunches were still being delivered every day, yet only half the time were the kids even awake in time to eat them before they were soggy, cold, and not so appetizing anymore.

I walked around my disastrous house in a fog, sipping my coffee, hoping that everyone would sleep just a little longer so I could get my head on straight. Then I would be angry that they slept so late because nothing productive got done.

Laundry piled up.

Dishes piled up.

Trash spilled out of the trash can.

The day my car wouldn’t start, when I NEEDED it to, was the day I finally snapped.

My poor mother got the brunt of it over the phone, when I just railed about how I hate my car, I hate that the house is a mess, I hate that I feel like a slave in a house full of lazy men, and I hate that I’m alone. Always, alone!

Yes, I had a meltdown of biblical proportions!

But I needed to! And that’s where we are all kinda losing it a bit. We hold it in, keep it together, until we bust into pieces over the smallest things.

I think my first mistake was not formulating a plan.

I didn’t bother to write out direction for myself, my older boys, or for us as a family unit. I just decided to let that first week be our “break” to try to adjust to what was going on in the world around us, and then pick up from there.


Hindsight is 20/20, right?!

So, this weekend I have been sitting in my bedroom a lot, writing many things down. Lists, schedules, chores, menus, planning and strategizing the upcoming month of May, because our Illinois Governor has said that we will remain in a “modified shelter in place” plan until the end of May, 2020… for now.

And let’s admit it. We have no idea when this will truly end!

Many schools are already out for the year. Some contemplating not even planning their start back in August until they know it’s “safe” to do so.

This is it.

This is “normal” for now.

And what are we doing with it?

I’m not even going to sugarcoat it. I haven’t done much!

We planted some plants for our garden. We have kept them ALL alive and growing. But they are not IN the garden yet. They are still in planters and seedling trays. It has been to wet for us to till up the land to start the garden.

We’ve played games, done puzzles, cooked fun meals and snacks together, and rearranged some furniture here and there as well.

But have we actually DONE something with our time in “quarantine?”


I have talked and talked about the good days we have had, and even a couple of the rough ones. And while everyone having peace and being happy is something that truly matters more than anything else, what also matters is that we actually get somewhere with this. And while we have… we also haven’t.

That is about to change!

It will be an interesting change, I understand, as we will be going from no schedule at all to somewhat of a tight run shipwreck kind of thing. I’m kind of excited, and I’m kind of dreading it! Ha!

So, what was “normal” for me before all this began? Just a little bit of chaos.

What is “normal” now? More chaos!

And what will my “new normal” be? Maybe a little less chaotic, and a little more structured. Tight run shipwreck!

Have no fear! I will be journaling, and hopefully blogging, my entire experience from day one! It will be a fun one to be sure! And maybe a little tense, but what change isn’t?!

The point is, my friends, that we have an opportunity to experiment with no limits! We can change the course of many things from this day forward! Is it something to be excited about? YES! Is it something to take seriously? YES! Is it going to be easy? NOPE! Will it be stressful, confusing, frustrating, and at times infuriating? Most likely!


The end result can be the best “normal” you and your family have ever had to this point! It can be the game-changer for individuals, parents, kids, family units, and alter your future in ways you cannot even imagine yet!

That is what I am hoping for with my little army, here. We have had enough stress in our lives. We have had enough tension. We are done with drama, depression, anxiety, falling behind, falling apart, and not coming back together completely. Breaking off a little more at a time.

The earth is healing and growing into a new “normal” for herself, and we can take this opportunity to do the same.

It is trial and error, my friends! Try a new thing! If it works, keep it! If it doesn’t work, toss it and try something else! None of us are the same, and none of us are going to get to our happiness the same way. The point is getting there. And KEEPING it.

That is the “normal” I am shooting for.