When I sit here and think about the summer months of the great 2020 year, I can’t help but sigh.

It’s been a long year.

Longer than most, and yet, it has flown by with a fierce speed.

But we’ve been busy.

I was going to try to post some blogs about the updates in our little house, the summer visit my older boys had with their father, the twins first birthday, milestones, remodeling adventures, garden greatness, and so much more!


Every time I sat down to write about one thing, all the rest would hit me, and I got jumbled.

And then there are the distractions…

Housework, laundry, the tasks of motherhood, appointments, grocery shopping, and more.

Like I said… busy.

So, here I sit. Pondering. So much has occurred this summer, and we are already standing at the open door of the new school year, which starts for our district in five days.

Before we talk about how THAT is going to go, I need to at least try to cover the highlights of the summer months that I missed out on…

We did a huge thing while T and L were gone to their dad’s for part of the summer.

We refloored two bedrooms, moved everyone around into different rooms, and gutted parts of the house of things that needed to be gone for almost two years, now.

Bags and boxes were filled, removed from the house, and donated to those in need.

More bags and boxes were filled and set out with the garbage to be removed from our lives forever.

Carpet was ripped up. Old tiles were ripped up. Minor repairs were made where they could be, and new flooring was laid.

We moved furniture, boxes, totes, toys, baby things, big kid things, TV’s, shelves, and more!

It was a construction crew of 3 (my mom, my dad, and myself), sometimes 4 when my son was helping, and we did it over the course of about 6 weeks.

Did I mention we’ve been busy?

Not too bad, if I do say so myself!

During the weeks that T and L were gone we managed to clean out all kinds of clutter, organize closets, put away seasonal clothes that took up space, re-arrange furniture, rooms, storage, etc.! It was glorious!

During that course of time my sister had a birthday, the twins first birthday happened, the county youth fair took place, Holidays, and other events as well. But we did it! We got it done!

Not to mention the harvest from the garden that started, and continued, throughout the ENTIRE TIME! That made for interesting produce sizes… LOL!

The night before the boys came back home, we got all the big stuff moved, the beds made (kinda), and everything ready for their return!

And now, they are home.

We have continued to harvest from the garden, keep the house managed almost as well as I hoped we would, maintain a routine and schedule (with some minor hiccups that are beyond our control), and even got a trampoline this week to babysit the older three! Ha!

Yeah… we stayed busy. Just a little.

It’s been a long summer. A fast summer. A slow year. A weird season in our lives. And yet… weird as it has been, it has been good.

It has been good for my mind, my health, my heart, my family, and my spirit.

I have grown so much in the 7 months that 2020 has given us, so far.

I am excited about the things that have happened up to this point, and even more excited about the things to come! It’s going to be a great year!

And… still a busy one.

More to come!!

All the love,
