I know boys. I have four of them.
I have had boys for 15 years.
In the fall of 2018, I took a positive pregnancy test, and in the winter, I was informed that I was carrying twins.
I already had three boys. I wondered for weeks if I would have five boys, three boys and two girls, or four boys and one girl…
The day of truth arrived before Spring of 2019.

For weeks Baby B was confirmed a boy, but Baby A was definitely undetermined! Baby A was hiding at every ultrasound!
Baby A finally let us know that she is a girl close to the middle of the second trimester, and the poor ultrasound tech would check again at EVERY visit, at my request, just to make sure we weren’t making a mistake! Ha!
I was in denial!
I was terrified!
What was I going to do with a girl???
I had no idea what I was doing!
It didn’t matter that I had experience by helping raise my little sisters, who were 10 and 12 years younger than me!
It didn’t matter that I am also a woman!
My first thoughts were, “I hate pink! People are going to get me pink stuff! What will I do with pink stuff?!”
And also, “What if she falls down, gets hurt, is dainty and fragile? What if she’s moody?!”
These might seem like petty questions to experienced Girl-Moms out there, but it was no joke to my frightened self!
And then, the twins were born, Summer of 2019.

And the first time those “True Blue” eyes looked up at me, I didn’t care anymore.
Buy the pink stuff!
Buy the ruffles and glitter!
Mommy will be there every time she falls!
Mommy will be there every time she gets hurt, is sick, sad, scared, or anything else!
Now… What people sat back and giggled at, and never gave me fair warning of, was the months that followed the birth.
Granted, when they were inside the womb, we confirmed that “Baby A (aka, the girl)” was mean and quite the bully. But I resigned that to the fact that there were TWO babies in the space that is generally occupied by only one. Fighting for space was a given…
We were wrong.
Enter present time, where the twins are now 15 months old (today!), and the whole “girl drama” thing I have heard so much about, I have discovered, is REAL!

Send help!!
How does this stuff work, people???
She’s a toddler going on 16 already!
Is this a thing?!
Is this normal for girls???
Don’t get me wrong… Those blue eyes are pure, innocent, and sweet, and I adore every inch of her personality!
The ATTITUDE is unprecedented in my world!
This sweet, squeaky, giggly, bubbly, smiling, laughing, adorable little girl is a BEAST!
She dominates the room. Every room!
You know how babies share when it suits them? Yeah, she doesn’t share at all!
She will swipe, take, steal, grab, and hijack anything from anyone she can, especially her twin.

She will become enraged when things are taken back or kept from her attempts to take them for herself.
She will smack the face of anyone who opposes her, gets in her way, or tells her “no.”
She loves with her hands, with hugs, love pats, and often a decent smack to the head or chest.
She loves with her voice, by cooing, humming, yelling, and sometimes screaming at the top of her lungs while chasing someone around to “love” with her hands.
She’s dramatic in EVERY way, both in her excitement, sadness, and especially her anger.
When my baby girl enters a room, her presence is KNOWN from one wall to the other.
Again, she is 15 months old. LOL
My daughter (that still sounds so different to me!) is a clever child! She is highly intelligent!
She mimics movements, sounds, words, and initiates games with people to play with her.

She loves music, some cartoons, books, and all things interactive.
And, like a girl after my own heart, she refuses to keep those big, fluffy, ruffly headbands on her head!
This is the first of many years for this mama, learning new lessons, feeling new emotions, and many other things related to family changes.
I’ve been a boy-mom for a decade and a half.
I have learned how to deal with the boy drama, broken bones, bloody noses, mud, bugs, reptiles, video games, stampedes through the house, weird creatures and items in the laundry, stains on every item of clothing, Autism, Anxiety and emotional trauma, boy puberty, and so much more!
Now, I get to learn all these things with a girl.
Am I terrified? YEP!
Am I excited? If I were asked this question before she was born, I would have said NO.
But now, as I face-off with my literal “mini-me,” screaming at me, and stomping her feet (for real), with those bright blues even brighter next to her angry, pink cheeks, I have to say I am pretty excited!
I have always loved a challenge.
And I am pretty sure God took one look at my ‘pre-twin’ situation and said, “Challenge Accepted!”
Let the fun begin, and may the odds be ever in… my favor?