Tonight is just a “flare up” night for me, so I am sitting up in my bed, pondering life, drinking some coffee, and typing away on my computer…

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

My body has been telling me to rest for a few days now, and last night was when it finally shut down for a solid sleep. I slept until 10am today!

My little family enjoyed dinner at my grandparent’s house this afternoon, just our little crew, then I walked back to my house to lay the twins down for a nap and fell asleep again myself.

Yeah, my exhausted-self needed it.

Who would have thought Holidays would be so odd this year?

One year ago, when we were all gathered around tables, groups of many, eating food, telling stories, and just sharing and enjoying each other’s company, none of us could have predicted what the near future held!

But here’s the thing…

Had it not been for our advanced technology, medical knowledge, amazing people working to save lives, and putting some of these guidelines into practice this year, there would be a lot less people celebrating right now.

I thought back on things like the “plague” and how that would wipe out entire villages and cities in one giant wave.

While we have been devastated by this pandemic, the outcome today is far different than it would have been without the things we have to fight it with.

And the people. The amazing people!

I felt safe enjoying the company at my grandparent’s house today, but I was still cautious. I think we will be for some time.

It has certainly given me pause to think about the other viral things that haven’t been circulating as much as they had EVERY year that I can remember: Stomach bugs, flu, strep, and more!

Every year, my house falls victim to more than one virus.

This year, we have lived under a fog of Lysol, doused in soapy water and Germ-X, and constantly wiping things down with sanitizing wipe thingies.

We have been eating more fresh foods, keeping healthier diets, taking more and more vitamins and herbal supplements, and I gotta say my skin, hair, and nails are celebrating these changes!

And this year I haven’t had to buy boxes of Kleenex, cold and flu medicines, cough drops, or fever reducers.


So… what if, after the Covid thing is gone, we actually keep up with the healthier choices??!

Um, Yes!

Now, I know that the mass majority will return to life as usual (I suspect anyway), but as for me and my house we are creating new habits that I plan to hold onto for the rest of our lives!

I love the fact that we have been, for the most part, sickness-free, and the kids are enjoying it as well.

Now, if I can just get the fibro to settle down, we will be on a roll!

That’s another thing I have been thinking about as I sit on my bed, pondering, at nearly 2am…

Weird pain.

I’ve had weird pains all around for several years, now, and I remember ending up in the ER because the pain accompanied strange, numbing sensations, on one side of my face and neck.

After that one episode I didn’t have that kind of issue again, but I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder in 2015 which listed several symptoms I was experiencing.

In the summer of 2018, the anxiety started to subside, along with many of the symptoms.

But the pain stayed, and within a year it got worse.

I remember when I started noticing it more and more. I would be washing dishes and my arms would just ache. From my hands all the way to my shoulders, the pain was in my muscles and would intensify when I flexed or moved my arms.

My legs already had issues, which we assumed was RLS, as it would be worse at night when I was trying to sleep. But now they just… hurt. Anytime. All the time!

I have days when I feel completely normal, can function normally, and things are great.

Then I have days when getting out of my bed takes every ounce of energy I have.

I cry, get angry, confused as to why this is happening, and often discouraged before my feet hit the floor.

At least the days when I feel those emotions are few and far between.

Most of the time my kids are total rock stars, and they help me out and help do things that I would normally do around the house.

Sometimes, when I have more bad days than good, the poor kids end up with a little burn out of their own and honestly, I can’t blame them. But those are sometimes the days when the emotions run heavy along with the pain.

This week has been more bad days than good.

Thankfully, I have medication that helps with the pain and all that, but I still fight with my own mind over why it seems like this thing kicks my butt so easily!

And on nights like tonight, when I can feel it slowly easing from my body, the pain lifting and my ability to get up and go returning, I start to plan.

I make lists. My “to do” lists, things that I need to get done before the next flare up begins.

Most of my lists are your normal, mom-style to-do lists, with a little extra on the side.

I make menus for myself and the kids. Menus for us as a family, and then some “on your own” kinds of things for my Rockstar children, in case I have bad days coming up.

I set up grocery pickup to get all the food I know we will need for our family for at least a week.

I get all the things in order in my head, on paper, and on the white board in my dining room (at least on the white board after we all get up the next morning).

I have been spending a lot of my better days cleaning out the garage, TRYING to do the same in the breezeway, and I have got to get my hands on my yard again!

So tonight, I am going to sign off from my rambling and get some rest, and if tomorrow is a good day (as I think and hope it will be), I will be working hard on getting things done again.

Fingers crossed, my friends! Because the boys have agreed to help out in a few areas themselves. I’ll have to update you all when the day is done. 😊