Happy weekend to you all!

I hope you are all well.

We are not.

Well… kinda.

As far as I know thus far, two have tested positive in my household for Covid.

Now, as everyone knows, I have been trying to put together some other blog posts, which I will complete as I can and post accordingly, but I want to also share with you our Covid Journey.

Because everyone’s journey is different. Even if they are all in the same household!


We do not know FOR SURE where we were exposed, and I will NOT say one place or another. We were simply exposed over the weekend last week. That is all.

Tuesday Levi complained of not feeling well at school (which is his norm anyway… school + Levi = sickness) *insert rolled eyes*.

Wednesday Micah was sent home from school with swollen tonsils.

Thursday neither of them were feeling well and were tested.

Friday: The results came in. Positive for Covid.

Saturday: the rest of the family was tested.

As far as symptoms…

Levi is the worst.

He has a nasty cough, no energy, low grade fever, can’t taste anything, can’t breathe all that great, and sleeps off and on all day and night.

Micah is already starting to feel better. But I am keeping an eye on him.

I feel… well… How can I even describe how I feel???

It’s a typical day for me with a little extra rough and yuck.

I have Fibromyalgia so I feel like I am having a flare up week with a little extra gross in between.

Yesterday (Saturday) Asher started acting like he might not be feeling well. Today he is about the same. No major changes thus far.

Rayne is great. She’s a beast! So is her carbon copy older brother Titus. Nothing there either.

In fact… let me share with you what Titus did last night!

So… we ALL know my kids are prone to the “interesting and odd” behaviors, and Titus is the firstborn, so he’s expected to lead in such things. Last night he did NOT disappoint!

He walked into the kitchen with a can of Lysol in his hand and said, “Hey mom. Wanna see how I protect myself from the rona?”

I turn from my dishes I was angrily washing at the time and said, “Uhm, Ok? What do you do?”

He proceeds to pop the cap off the Lysol, take a deep breath, close his eyes, and SPRAY IT ALL OVER HIMSELF from head to toe without missing a beat!!!

I stood in total shock, speechless, for a few seconds before shouting, “Titus! What are you doing?!?”

To which he cheerfully responded, “What? I’m making sure I don’t get it! Better safe than sorry!” Put the bottle on top of the fridge, turned on his heel, and skipped off through the house whistling a happy tune!

This is the point where I feel I must add that I AM NOT AN EXPERT PARENT! Hahaha!

So, other than Titus and his odd antics, the rest of us are doing decent thus far.

No fevers, no chills, and none of the “severe” Covid symptoms so far. Mostly the gross flu-like symptoms for everyone. And I hope that is the worst it gets.

We are treating our symptoms. Cough medicines, Motrin, Tylenol, all the vitamins and mineral supplements, LOTS OF WATER, some body armor drinks, Gatorade, orange juice, and so on. I’ve also made sure everyone spends some time in the sunlight outside as well. My hope is that we kick it together like the strong little tribe we have become over the past few years.

I must also add, before I end this post, that I am PROUD of my kids! They are troopers! They are strong! They have battled through so much in their young lives, and have come out on the other side as little warriors! And this Momma is super thrilled at the amazing abilities they have shown in the times of adversity and yuck. Every night when I lay in my bed I am beyond thankful for the blessings that are my kiddos! Gosh… I’m so blessed!

And with that, I will keep you all posted as we trudge through this, another of many tunnels we have endured, and how we fare through the yuck and gunk, and how we come out on the other side!

Much love, and stay healthy my friends!