Bad Moments vs Bad Days

Lately I have had a “few” bad days, but a LOT of bad moments.

How do I differentiate between the two? I’m so glad you asked!

Just this weekend I had a fibro flare up out of nowhere, and it lasted a total of 48 hours. THAT was a bad day. Two of them to be hourly specific.

In fact, three… because it started in mid-afternoon on Sunday and finally let up Tuesday evening.

The pain was debilitating, and nearly impossible to describe to anyone who has never experienced it before.

In August, when my entire family got Covid at the same time (minus me apparently… every test I took came back negative).

Those were some rough days.

Two weeks of them.

Kids having issues coughing, breathing, being sick, fevers, not eating or drinking anything, scaring me to death, and the slow recovery from the worst of it…

Bad. Days.

Now, perspective is everything when you take a situation and just call it a bad moment instead of a bad day.

I have a couple examples…

When the window on my car stopped rolling up, stuck at the bottom of the track, deep inside the door panel, and the window had to be covered with plastic for a while.

Sure, the plastic was there for a few weeks, but the only “bad” moments occurred when the window wouldn’t come up, and when my dad informed me that plastic was the only solution until a new motor device could be bought.

Two moments in a single day.

But the window was covered, and while we had plastic over it the window provided entertainment for the twins as we drove down the road.

With all it’s flapping and rustling sounds as the wind hit it at different rates of speed.

The day the tailpipe dropped out from under my car.

I was sitting with a friend, and we were cracking jokes about my license plate while looking at my car parked across the street.

I squinted and looked under my car, looked at her and said, “What is that? Do you see it?!”

She looked. “I have no idea. I didn’t notice it until you said something.”

I took a picture of it and sent it to my dad, who was in town THANKFULLY, and met me to look.

Yep. Tailpipe.

Literally hanging by a single, little bolt!!

Bad moment!

For weeks, until I could afford to fix it, I drove around with my tailpipe in the back of my car.

Oh, the looks we got when I opened the back hatch around other people!

“Oh, yeah that’s just the tailpipe…” would be my normal explanation.

But the car was still running. (Minus the days it decided not to start, but I digress…)

We could still get to school, daycare, and work every day.

I was frustrated, but I was thankful.

These were bad moments.

I could have easily taken these moments and turned them into bad days, but I did not.

Bad days exist! They really do. And they range anywhere from physical health, mental health, loss of loved ones, loss of homes, cars, many things. Bad. Days.

But, when something happens in a moment, something that may even last a while (plastic on the windows and tailpipes in the trunk), but you still have your home, job, health, family, friends, and that car still works decently well… it really is just a bad moment.

We cracked jokes about how much louder my car was without the tailpipe (It was already super loud WITH the thing).

We had fun with the plastic covering over the open window. Even with all the stink bugs that would get stuck in the crack of it!

Yes, I was frustrated multiple times and days over the same, little things. But I didn’t let it last. I couldn’t.

It truly was just a bad moment.

My Pastor’s Wife told me that my new name was Murphy at one point this year. Every time I texted her, it was to tell her about something ELSE that happened, broke, stopped working, etc…

She said, “I love you, but if you didn’t have bad luck… you wouldn’t have any luck at all!”

And you know what? We Laughed! Because it was humor in the moment AFTER the bad moment happened.

And laughter is the best medicine in a bad moment.

A boss of mine told me I’m too cheerful, to the point it’s scary.

Another one told me my positive outlook was inspiring.

Both of them have seen me at highs and lows. They know about a lot of my bad moments, and all my bad days (at least in the past 12 months anyway). And both of them have commended me on my ability to handle stressful situations in my life.

Is my ego inflated?


Because I didn’t get here by being perfect.

I got here by going through some serious yuck.

I had to learn how to let go of the bad moments and let them be “moments” instead of turning them into bad “days”.

Yes, these are labels… with NO cans

I could spend plenty of time describing all the bad moments and days of the past year alone, and it would bring none of us to any good by the end.

Instead, I would rather tell you that, in the bad moments you can find good.

You can reach through that ugly place that tries to crush you in the moment, and turn it into a bad day, and rise above it.

If you can’t reach through the first time, that’s okay!

I didn’t!

I probably didn’t on the 100th time either!

But I got there. And so can you.

I can say with absolute certainty that my victories and my ability to rise above has come directly from the Peace that my God has given me.

It surpasses all comprehension.

It calms my soul, my mind, and my heart.

It gets me through my bad moments, and my bad days.

And that peace comes from giving the bad moments and days up, and letting the hand of God hold you and carry you through.

And that, my friends, is what the next blog post will be about.

Blessings to you all!
