My Joyfully Chaotic Life
About Becca
About Becca
Describing myself has always been difficult, but here we go!
I’m a single mom with five kiddos. We have entered the teenager stage of life for one, and I am waaaay out of my comfort zone here!
My youngest two are twins (born this summer), and one of them is a girl.
My. Only. Girl.
Again, waaaay out of my comfort zone!
Life is NEVER dull in my home, with my children! They are my Joy, and they are my Chaos!
My oldest son is high functioning autistic, already over 6ft tall, and the sweetest young man ever! He also has an imagination that impresses me daily, and his monologues cause countless tears from laughter.
My second-born is my “mini me” in so many ways it’s scary! With his one-liners, comebacks, jokes, and hilarious outlook on life, he is always stopping us in our tracks and has me scratching my head while rolling my eyes and laughing.
My third son is a gem! My first “surprise” child, he has a heart of gold, but carries it on his little sleeve because it’s just too big for himself! He also struggles with depression, anxiety, and ADHD. He’s unpredictable, spontaneous, and his laugh is contagious! He has caused many near heart-attacks for myself and my mother with his adventurous spirit and stunt moves.
The twins… my second, and biggest “surprise!” Twin Girl is a beauty! Her smile and laugh are special to me, because it took her a while to interact. Her personality is still blossoming, and it’s such a joy to watch before my eyes! Twin Boy is a cuddle bug! He loves being held and hugged close. The first to smile, he has an infection grin, and he’s always flashing it any anyone who looks his way!
And now that I have not yet described myself…
I am a lover of life, laughter, and adventure!
I am a writer, blogger, and storyteller.
I am a hermit! I prefer more to stay at my home than to be among many people.
I have anxiety, and I sometimes encounter the depression monster.
I am a warrior mom, working hard to raise my children to be amazing humans.
Motherhood definitely does NOT come with a manual, but I hope that my experiences and stories can be useful for moms out there who find themselves in the midst of chaos in their world.
So, Welcome to my joyfully chaotic life! It’s more than a title for a blog, or a theme name for my life… it’s my reality, and I wouldn’t change it for the world!