View My Blogs
These are my experiences, my world. I hope that as we share my families story about how we have taken life’s lemons and repurposed them into something better than good, will encourage others to know they can do the same.

Finding the Words…
The random ramblings of a writer… hope you find a little entertainment and some inspiration here. 🙂
Changing Seasons: Part Three-my final post for THIS situation…
Part Three: And here we arrive at the final chapter of the great health scare of 2024. Well, the first one anyway… We are going to highlight Friday and Sunday in this post, as they were the days of fun and adventure… and the rest were filler days. LOL The ambulance...

Changing Seasons: Part Two-From ER to Admit, again.
Part Two of the emotionally exhausting journey of blood clots, massive bleeding, and more!

Changing Seasons: Part One
Thank God for Changing Seasons! Time flies when you are having fun, right? It also flies when you have no idea what you are doing, or when you have no clue “what just happened here?!” All the above have been the nutshell of my entire 2024 thus far. It’s been such a...

Let’s Crawl

Transparent Moments: the struggle is real
Today’s blurb was not the expected “cute, funny, silly” blurb that I planned to write. But sometimes transparency in struggles is needed.

Bad Moments vs Bad Days
It’s okay to not be okay. Bad moments, bad days, we have them. We always will. And we will get through them.

Are We There Yet?
The end of the Covid Journey (at least this part) has finally come! REJOICE!

The Journey Continues: Rona Quarantine Ongoing
The Covid Journey continues in the house of dragons. So far…. so good!

The Journey: “Rona” quarantine days 1-3
Follow the journey of the McConnell/Wheeler clan as we trudge through the bowels of the “Rona” quarantine life…

Think On These Things
A little devotional moment to share with my friends, my readers… Food for the soul.

The Day My Grandma Saved Me
Just when I had given up for the weekend… or the month! Grandma stepped in and saved the day! I love that woman!

A Lot of Change in a Little Time!
It would seem, my dear friends, that my world has been busier than I ever expected it to be… When we last connected, I was working at a Domestic Violence Center in my community and enjoying every moment of it! I had also been offered a new job, a full-time job I...

The First Time Driving Experience!
In all my blogging and writing, I totally forgot to share the lovely story about Titus’ first moments behind the wheel in my Denali!! You guys… forgive me! This is an epic moment that must be shared with the world!! Also, there are no pictures to emphasize the...

When In Doubt, Write: a little personal sharing moment
Tonight’s share. Thoughts, ponderings, and hopefully some inspiration for you, my dear friends and readers.

Today Was Good: an update from last night’s blurb
An update from last night’s blurbs, today was good. And tomorrow will be good, too!

Late Night Blurbs
Just some late night ramblings from yours truly this Thanksgiving weekend.

I Am the Proverbs 31 Woman: devotional moment with a humorous perspective
Looking back on the passage of scripture I memorized as a teenager, I have realized that I am She! The Proverbs 31 Woman is Me! Well… sort of. LOL!

Lifetime Boy-Mom, First Time Girl-Mom: Send Help!
I have been a mom of boys for a long time, and enter the first girl… My greatest challenge, and the purest joy of my heart and soul! Let the adventure begin!

When It All Goes Haywire: Finding Peace in the Chaos
I have been on the Single-Parent journey for a while, now. During the beginning of this chapter in my journey, I felt more chaos than peace. I cried more than I smiled. And I often wondered how I was going to be able to move forward. And then, the healing that had...

Back To School-Pandemic Style: The Journey of Learning Continues
Returning to school is always a struggle, even if it’s exciting. This year hasn’t been exciting… just a struggle. Did you feel the struggle?

Let’s Talk About Vision: When our eyes need a little help with clarity.
Sometimes it’s hard to accept that we cannot see perfectly. I would know! My recent need for glasses has “opened my eyes” to many awesome things about myself! And I am so excited that I see it clearly!

Let’s Talk About Change…
I am not where I was three years ago! God has changed me! I am so much more! I am happy! I have Joy! I love life! I am liberated! Change is good!

We’ve Been Busy: Getting things done this summer!
We’ve been busy this summer! Making changes, working hard, keeping up with the daily, and then some! But it has been so fulfilling! I’m so excited about the things to come!

Progress Is Progress, Is Progress: Getting projects done one at a time
It’s been a long trek, working and working, but we are getting things done! It’s glorious! It’s exciting! I’m tired!

Tend The Soil: A poem and devotional moment
Before the harvest, and even before the growth, we must remember to tend the soil! The soils is the most important of all things… for it is from the soil where the harvest comes.

No Prayer Guilt: do NOT feel guilty for praying ‘more’ when times are hard
Prayer guilt is real! We feel like we pray more when times are hard, and we feel bad. Don’t!

What A Month This Week Has Been: Getting Back To Normal
What a Month this week has been! As a matter of fact, it’s been much longer than a week since I updated my readers on my world! There is no way I could even TRY to catch you all up on the details, but I can try to give a bit of an overview of the past week or two…...

What Was Normal Before, And What Will Normal Be?
One thing that is first and foremost in everyone’s mind, these days, is the virus that has spread across the entire world. Another thing is the economic crisis that has followed. And another thing everyone worries about is, “When will things go back to normal?” I have...

Quarantine Life Fun: Bringing Down A Tree!
Today’s adventures of the House of Dragons was unplanned, unexpected, and pretty fun! Yesterday I had to take a trip into town, but my vehicle decided it wasn’t going to start… again. My mom had to come and drive me into town to take care of my business, and she...

What Is YouTube Good For? I Have A Few Things
What is YouTube good for? Well, for my family it is great for almost everything!

How We Are Surviving Quarantine Life
Just a little post about how we are making it through and surviving the quarantine lifestyle!

Cabin Fever Has Set In!
While Quarantine Life has its good days, Cabin Fever is a normal side-effect of this new situation we are living in. We have endured it, more than once already, but we are working together as a family to overcome!

Quarantine Life Has Amazing Days
Quarantine Life is stressful, we all know! But remember to make the best of the good days we have with our families during this trying time in our lives!

Quarantine Life Isn’t So Bad!
While everyone in the world is giving their “Quarantine” updates to the world, I thought I’d just give you an update in ours… our normal life, routine… our chaos. 😊 I am thankful for the other bloggers out there, who are telling their stories of how they are surviving...

Stop! Take some “Me Time”
Spreading yourself too thin? As a mom we tend to do that. Just remember you need you just as much as they do!

Late Night Ramblings of A Sleepless Mama
Tonight I lay on my bed, listening to the sounds of short videos on electronic devices in various rooms in the house, baby noises coming from the cribs as the twins cheerfully fight the sleep they need so badly, and the scraping and thumping outside my window as the...

Old Habits Die Hard: Breaking the Monotony of Daily Repeat… Becca Style
Making changes in routine can get frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be super hard. Only as hard as you want it to be! Own your change!

The Rare “Perfect” Monday
Mondays are typically viewed as the worst day of the week. For me, this Monday was great! Maybe it was perspective, maybe it was just rarely good. Either way, it was a WINNER for my week, and one I’ll smile about for a while. Yay!

Hold On And Have Faith
Hang with me here, while I speak some life. Real, raw, and genuine life. This is my life, my soul, and my journey. But it is one I know others are on as well. And for you, I hope that you will read this and find support, because you are not alone. I heard a lesson...

How I Rocked My “Rocky” Day
Some days are harder than others, but at the end of the day… we still made it!

When It All Falls Apart- Laugh!
In my life there are always things popping up, here and there, that I have to deal with. Anything from sick kids (or sick me) to something breaking in my house… or my car. Sometimes I get lucky and only one thing happens at a time. Lately though, I haven’t been so...

Success Is Success No Matter How Small
A little follow up on the thoughts from earlier this week, about days I do and days I don’t… For most of the rest of the week, I didn’t. I just…didn’t. Barely making it to get the kids up for their buses for school, I felt rushed and disoriented. I did the basics. I...

Some Days I do Some Days I don’t
Some days I have everything together. I get up and feel motivated to take on the world! I get things done, whether I’ve had coffee or not. I clean, cook, do laundry, run errands, and accomplish more than the little goals I set for myself for the day or the week. I...

One of Those Weeks
I’m sitting here tonight, pondering my week. And it’s been one of “those” weeks. Part of me feels like a superhero, and the other part feels completely and utterly wiped out! Let’s talk about the wiped-out part of me first. The boys went back to school Monday. My...

Day One Or Day One Thousand?!
Having plopped into my bed and reflected on today, I will say it was good. Not a day I’d like to repeat, but it was good.

It’s the End of Christmas Break!
Christmas Break Is Almost Over! And I am overjoyed that my feelings are mutual with other parents all around the nation! As I scrolled through social media everywhere today, I saw memes, pictures, status updates, blog posts, and more that depict the hilarious joy of...

Tis The Season Of Yuck
I don’t know about you, but this mama is TERRIFIED of sending my older three boys back to school at the end of their Christmas Break! The influenza monster is running its vicious circles around my community (and many others around the nation) and my infant twins have...

If You’re Not Okay At Christmas
Christmas is a season of joy, sharing, caring, love, and lots of food and presents. There are lights, trees, and glittering decorations inside and outside houses all over the world. Christmas music is played in nearly every public place, and the smell of pies,...

Don’t Blink
After I had my third son, I thought I was done having children. Boy, was I wrong! That child is now nine years old, and here I am with infant TWINS… As I go through the infant stages with the twins, I am also watching my older three boys grow up before my eyes. My...

The Funk Is Real
Find yourself in “the funk” lately? I have! Whatever is causing this funky epidemic, we can beat it! Slowly, with a lazy hammer. But we can beat it!

A Toast To Moms!
Raise your coffee mug with me for a toast to moms! Here’s to moms everywhere! To the married mom: who is raising her children and her spouse (LOL) To the single mom: the warrior who does it ALL alone To the mom of the special-needs child: who raises her child among...

Team No Sleep
Are you a member of “Team No Sleep?” Do you have teens or tweens you stay up and worry about when they aren’t home? Do you have small children who struggle with insomnia, or the endless need for “a drink of water” every five minutes, for five hours after bedtime? Are...

Postpartum Depression Suvivor
I am going to share with you the hardest part of pregnancy to talk about: Postpartum Depression. PPD is REAL, folks, and it is not a nice companion to have around. I won’t sugarcoat anything, here, because the monster that is depression is bad enough on its own. Bring...

Third Trimester: the last leg of the journey
Third trimester blues were a reality for me this time around. This being my fourth pregnancy, I thought I had it all under control. Ha! Twins will definitely create a new conundrum for any mom who thinks she has it all together! I did not ever find that burst of...
Ways To Survive Bedrest Blues
Are you stuck on bedrest and going stir crazy? Here are some tips and ideas to help you stay active, and survive the Bedrest Blues!

Twins Pending: Second Trimester
Oh, the glory of the second trimester energy!! Right?? NOPE! This mama suffered through the second trimester just about as much as the first! Minus the bleeding, that thankfully stopped in the beginning of trimester 2, the real work began with half the energy. All of...

Twins Pending: the first trimester
Nothing says “Happy Thanksgiving” like a positive pregnancy test!! Ok, ok… so I was filled with mixed emotions over this one, with my youngest of three sons being 8-years-old. But I was ready! I wanted “one more” before I stopped for good anyway, so it was perfect...

Do You Have Anxiety?
Do you have anxiety? This is for YOU

The Storm
This is a post I wrote a while back, and revised to publish. There is something to be said about a good, strong thunderstorm. I love them! For me, the storm gives me peace. I feel comforted by Mother Nature when the wind picks up and the rain starts to make its way...

Sibling Day!
One of the neat things I have failed, for years, to take notice of is special holidays throughout the year. Not the typical, highly recognized holidays… The wacky, silly, odd holidays that pop up randomly throughout each month. April 10, for example, was National...

I Love Someone With Autism!
April is Autism Awareness Month, and for many families it is a month of reflection on how far we have come over the years. I, for one, know my little family has grown by leaps and bounds! As with all children, our children on the spectrum vary in their milestones in...

Finally Spring!
One of my favorite times of year is fast approaching, and I can’t be more excited! SPRING! It’s a time of growing and new life. All the Winter Blues fly out of the house through my open windows and doors, and the fresh, warm air drifts in. And pollen… lots and lots of...