Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

The end of the Covid Journey has finally come for the children! The time has come to open windows, doors, pull out the Lysol, Clorox, Fresheners, SCENTSY WAX AND WARMERS, and room sprays! Brooms, mops, laundry detergent, and varying soaps abound!

Now, for all of you who know me well… my house might get clean one room at a time… but once I move to the next room, the previous will be dirty all over again. Sometimes because I’m that slow getting there, but mostly because my tiny tornadoes are that quick at “normalizing” my freshly sparkled surfaces! Haha!

Cleaning and sanitizing aside, I know everyone wants to know how the household is faring thus far…

Titus lost his sense of taste and smell for a total of 24 hours, and had SLIGHT body cramping for about 6 hours. All in the same day. He’s been fine since.

Micah was pretty much out of the woods by the day after they tested. His chief complaint was his throat, and it was pretty bad. He did have the cough for a few days, and several nights through the night. Other than that, he never ran a fever, never had any other issues, and is doing QUITE well now!

Rayne… same as Titus as far as outward issues. She did have a scratchy voice for several days, and acted like she was hurting “somewhere” for about 48 hours.

Asher had the nastiest poo diapers anyone has ever seen in this family for about 5 days! Y’all… it was GROSS!! He bounced back from that, and a slight nighttime cough for a few nights, and has been on top of the world (but under Rayne) ever since!

I never tested positive… but I was sick. Who knows if I actually had it or not, but I was just as bad as Micah for several days. And, given that EVERYONE else in my house had Covid… I think I had false negatives. But I digress…

Levi is coming back to his own on a gradual pace. He was released to go back to school Monday, and when he got home Monday afternoon he crashed… hard. He slept the entire afternoon, evening, and then off and on the whole night into Tuesday morning. He has a very slight lingering cough, nothing rough. His voice still sounds raspy and congested. But overall, he’s improved greatly!

My darling grandmother doesn’t have Covid either… but her annual bronchitis has made its glorious return to her life, and she’s getting better by the day with her medication and PLENTY of outdoor time! Because… what’s going to stop Granny from going outside and working in her flowers?

Yeah… exactly.

Today was the first day I was able to work from home with no kids here until 3pm. I almost didn’t know what to do with myself! I had to turn up some music to cover the silence that was all around me! I got laundry done during breaks, and cleaned the dining room, living room, and hallway during lunch. It was glorious!!

Tonight everyone is already in their beds and it’s not even 8:30pm!



Part of me wants to crawl into my bed and sleep so badly…

Part of me also wants to get a few more things done around the house that I know are necessary as well.

I can’t tell you which part will win tonight. I’m just going to take some time to be extremely thankful that we went through this tunnel with the ease and grace that we did! It could have been A LOT worse!

But it wasn’t.

And I am just sooooo thankful!

I don’t think I want to look at another bottle of Gatorade for a very long time.

I KNOW I don’t want to see, smell, or taste cough syrup again for a LONG time either!

But I am NOT tired of soup!

And we had lots of soup!

In fact, we are doing Chili tomorrow night. At the request of the kiddos!

Ah… children after my own heart!

Until the next time, my friends!

Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers! They worked!


Ps. Next time we will have a little chat about my fridge going out while we were quarantined… THAT was fun…

The Day My Grandma Saved Me

The Day My Grandma Saved Me

It’s been way too long since I have posted and shared my thoughts and words with you all!

Many blogs have been started, and none finished.

Life has been… just a little hectic.

We’ve been exposed to COVID in January (or February, I don’t even remember… it’s all running together now).

Sinus infections, allergies, the bathroom remodel, leaky water heater, car decides not to start, fevers, sleepless nights… I’m sure I’m leaving something out!

One thing got me this weekend though, and I didn’t even think of the impact until I told a friend about it this morning.

Sunday, I didn’t make it to church. The second week in a row.

Babies with fevers, and older kids trying to decide if their symptoms were of a contagious sort, or allergies… I was ragged.

I took a moment, after being smothered by one of the twins for constant cuddles and attention, to just step out my back door and breathe. I was standing in my back porch when my tiny grandmother walked in with her broom and dustpan. She saw me out there tossing boxes and whatnot in all my frustration (I was honestly throwing things to vent, not clean) and she figured I might need a little help cleaning out there. I had just laid the babies down for their nap and just wanted a moment of peace.

I was overwhelmed. Drained. Exhausted. Lonely…

In she walks with her broom taller than she, and says, “Well, where should I start?”

At first, I was frustrated. I won’t lie. I just wanted to sit down and mope about my circumstances. I just watched a live video of a church service I wanted to be present for in person. I had one child begging me not to make him go to school the next day and it wasn’t even 1pm Sunday afternoon. I was struggling. Deeply.

But I got up and showed her this TINY area that was “priority” to get cleaned and said we should start there.

“This is really where I wanted to clean up, and then I think I’ll go take a break while the babies sleep…”

Well… anyone who knows my grandma KNOWS she’s not going to settle for some little space.

Two hours later, ¾ of the back porch was cleaned, swept, and wiped down. I could feel the Fibro flare up wanting to start up almost immediately. I was completely drained. But… I felt good.

I didn’t feel great. But I felt GOOD… this was something I hadn’t felt in weeks! I looked around us, little Grandma with dustpan in hand and her other hand on her hip, observing a job mostly done.

A cleaned floor, washer and dryer both running with things that were being cleaned, and no more smell of clutter, trash, and yuck all around.

I didn’t take any pictures of this grand event, before or after, so there isn’t much to aid the visual for you wonderful readers today.


Picture in your mind’s eye a mother drained. Torn. Sad. Angry. Isolated. Frustrated. Confused. Stressed, and just… done.

And then this tiny woman, 4 ft 9, marching in with purpose and with a single phrase inspiring motivation I didn’t even want in the moment… bringing just enough spunk with her into my house, she lifted me more than she will ever know. Regardless of how I express it to her.

It’s the little things that bring the biggest rewards.

I know this isn’t one of my longer posts, and it really doesn’t need to be tonight.

It’s a post of appreciation for an amazing woman in my life.

It’s a post to remind myself that I truly am most assuredly blessed beyond measure.

It’s a reminder that I can get through these long days, and longer nights. Through all the stress, exhaustion, frustration, and everything that weighs me down, I can get up. I can find my motivation again.

I see you, tired mama. Sad mama. Weary, worn, and burnt-out mama.

I see you… and I am praying for you!

We will rise. We will come from the tunnel that today has brought and bask in the light!

“Weeping may endure for the night… but joy comes in the morning!”

Today Was Good: an update from last night’s blurb

Today Was Good: an update from last night’s blurb

“Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad.” –Proverbs 12:25 NKJV

Last night definitely did not go as planned.

I did not sleep until after 4:30am and woke up close to 10:00am.

Of course, we were all a bit sluggish, not very functional, and honestly, a lot of my planning made space for such a morning.

My boys DID help me with the inside of the house.

We got trash out of the house, washed a bunch of dishes, swept all the floors, and cleaned up the main part of the house nicely.

Also, I woke up almost pain-free! It was a good start to the day, at least. 😊

Tonight wasn’t so bad either.

I went to work at my job (that I LOVE), did some more cleaning there, read a little, and did other, work-related things.

The twins went to bed for a nap before I left for work, so everyone at my house got a little break before the evening fun began.

This is where I just need to sing some praises for a second.

My grandmother is A SAINT!

She comes over to help out with the twins, and she really loves doing it.

It gives her something to feel needed for, and she is bonding with the twins so well!

They adore her, and she just soaks up every little snuggle and cuddle she can get from them.

I love walking in the door and seeing her sitting with one twin in her lap and the other standing beside her at the couch. She has a smile a mile wide and they are just talking up a storm to each other in my living room. It’s picturesque.

Grandma is safely at home with Grandpa now, and everyone is either asleep or at least settled here, now.

So, I sit here again, writing up some lists and ideas for another good tomorrow.

I’m pretty excited about it, really.

And that gives me another tidbit to share…

I used to say, “I hope tomorrow is better.” And I would critique myself and my day (my own worst enemy, right?!).

As I write in my journal, planner, or make my lists now, however, I write down the good things.

“We got everything on my list done today!”

“We got some things done today.”

“Nobody fought like cats and dogs today.”

“School was done in record time!”

“School actually got done today!”

It doesn’t even matter how small the good is, if there is good to be found I will use it.

It is important, because we are in a time when depression is heavier, anxiety is higher, and fear is greater.

Missing the school days…

I have seen my children fall into depression because they cannot hang out with friends, or maybe they are completely disconnected from friends and other support, and all we have is us, in our home, doing our best to stay safe and healthy in every way we can.

Of course, I have to work. This is a necessity!

It doesn’t matter how bad things get out there, it seems. The bills must still be paid. The car still needs gas for appointments, work, and getting those groceries my kids are wiping out in record time.

And so, we keep moving.

We keep going forward, every step we can.

So what if we take a few steps back now and then. As long as we are moving, we will make it.

I am doing all I can, and I am working with my boys to help me by doing all they can.

Yep, we have burn-out days. I get frustrated with their lack of interest in helping. I get upset when they try to avoid school (gotta love remote learning…not!), and I get discouraged when they are impossible to talk to, reason with, and work with.

But we have come such a long way from who and where we were three years ago, two years ago, and even one year ago!

Things have been gradually changing for the better, and that’s the point! We are moving! Taking those steps. Climbing that mountain. Moving those obstacles. Creating the life we only dreamed would be a reality “some day.”

I’m pretty excited! And I can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds for my little family, now. 😊

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” — Albert Einstein

Late Night Blurbs

Late Night Blurbs

Tonight is just a “flare up” night for me, so I am sitting up in my bed, pondering life, drinking some coffee, and typing away on my computer…

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

My body has been telling me to rest for a few days now, and last night was when it finally shut down for a solid sleep. I slept until 10am today!

My little family enjoyed dinner at my grandparent’s house this afternoon, just our little crew, then I walked back to my house to lay the twins down for a nap and fell asleep again myself.

Yeah, my exhausted-self needed it.

Who would have thought Holidays would be so odd this year?

One year ago, when we were all gathered around tables, groups of many, eating food, telling stories, and just sharing and enjoying each other’s company, none of us could have predicted what the near future held!

But here’s the thing…

Had it not been for our advanced technology, medical knowledge, amazing people working to save lives, and putting some of these guidelines into practice this year, there would be a lot less people celebrating right now.

I thought back on things like the “plague” and how that would wipe out entire villages and cities in one giant wave.

While we have been devastated by this pandemic, the outcome today is far different than it would have been without the things we have to fight it with.

And the people. The amazing people!

I felt safe enjoying the company at my grandparent’s house today, but I was still cautious. I think we will be for some time.

It has certainly given me pause to think about the other viral things that haven’t been circulating as much as they had EVERY year that I can remember: Stomach bugs, flu, strep, and more!

Every year, my house falls victim to more than one virus.

This year, we have lived under a fog of Lysol, doused in soapy water and Germ-X, and constantly wiping things down with sanitizing wipe thingies.

We have been eating more fresh foods, keeping healthier diets, taking more and more vitamins and herbal supplements, and I gotta say my skin, hair, and nails are celebrating these changes!

And this year I haven’t had to buy boxes of Kleenex, cold and flu medicines, cough drops, or fever reducers.


So… what if, after the Covid thing is gone, we actually keep up with the healthier choices??!

Um, Yes!

Now, I know that the mass majority will return to life as usual (I suspect anyway), but as for me and my house we are creating new habits that I plan to hold onto for the rest of our lives!

I love the fact that we have been, for the most part, sickness-free, and the kids are enjoying it as well.

Now, if I can just get the fibro to settle down, we will be on a roll!

That’s another thing I have been thinking about as I sit on my bed, pondering, at nearly 2am…

Weird pain.

I’ve had weird pains all around for several years, now, and I remember ending up in the ER because the pain accompanied strange, numbing sensations, on one side of my face and neck.

After that one episode I didn’t have that kind of issue again, but I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder in 2015 which listed several symptoms I was experiencing.

In the summer of 2018, the anxiety started to subside, along with many of the symptoms.

But the pain stayed, and within a year it got worse.

I remember when I started noticing it more and more. I would be washing dishes and my arms would just ache. From my hands all the way to my shoulders, the pain was in my muscles and would intensify when I flexed or moved my arms.

My legs already had issues, which we assumed was RLS, as it would be worse at night when I was trying to sleep. But now they just… hurt. Anytime. All the time!

I have days when I feel completely normal, can function normally, and things are great.

Then I have days when getting out of my bed takes every ounce of energy I have.

I cry, get angry, confused as to why this is happening, and often discouraged before my feet hit the floor.

At least the days when I feel those emotions are few and far between.

Most of the time my kids are total rock stars, and they help me out and help do things that I would normally do around the house.

Sometimes, when I have more bad days than good, the poor kids end up with a little burn out of their own and honestly, I can’t blame them. But those are sometimes the days when the emotions run heavy along with the pain.

This week has been more bad days than good.

Thankfully, I have medication that helps with the pain and all that, but I still fight with my own mind over why it seems like this thing kicks my butt so easily!

And on nights like tonight, when I can feel it slowly easing from my body, the pain lifting and my ability to get up and go returning, I start to plan.

I make lists. My “to do” lists, things that I need to get done before the next flare up begins.

Most of my lists are your normal, mom-style to-do lists, with a little extra on the side.

I make menus for myself and the kids. Menus for us as a family, and then some “on your own” kinds of things for my Rockstar children, in case I have bad days coming up.

I set up grocery pickup to get all the food I know we will need for our family for at least a week.

I get all the things in order in my head, on paper, and on the white board in my dining room (at least on the white board after we all get up the next morning).

I have been spending a lot of my better days cleaning out the garage, TRYING to do the same in the breezeway, and I have got to get my hands on my yard again!

So tonight, I am going to sign off from my rambling and get some rest, and if tomorrow is a good day (as I think and hope it will be), I will be working hard on getting things done again.

Fingers crossed, my friends! Because the boys have agreed to help out in a few areas themselves. I’ll have to update you all when the day is done. 😊

We’ve Been Busy: Getting things done this summer!

We’ve Been Busy: Getting things done this summer!

When I sit here and think about the summer months of the great 2020 year, I can’t help but sigh.

It’s been a long year.

Longer than most, and yet, it has flown by with a fierce speed.

But we’ve been busy.

I was going to try to post some blogs about the updates in our little house, the summer visit my older boys had with their father, the twins first birthday, milestones, remodeling adventures, garden greatness, and so much more!


Every time I sat down to write about one thing, all the rest would hit me, and I got jumbled.

And then there are the distractions…

Housework, laundry, the tasks of motherhood, appointments, grocery shopping, and more.

Like I said… busy.

So, here I sit. Pondering. So much has occurred this summer, and we are already standing at the open door of the new school year, which starts for our district in five days.

Before we talk about how THAT is going to go, I need to at least try to cover the highlights of the summer months that I missed out on…

We did a huge thing while T and L were gone to their dad’s for part of the summer.

We refloored two bedrooms, moved everyone around into different rooms, and gutted parts of the house of things that needed to be gone for almost two years, now.

Bags and boxes were filled, removed from the house, and donated to those in need.

More bags and boxes were filled and set out with the garbage to be removed from our lives forever.

Carpet was ripped up. Old tiles were ripped up. Minor repairs were made where they could be, and new flooring was laid.

We moved furniture, boxes, totes, toys, baby things, big kid things, TV’s, shelves, and more!

It was a construction crew of 3 (my mom, my dad, and myself), sometimes 4 when my son was helping, and we did it over the course of about 6 weeks.

Did I mention we’ve been busy?

Not too bad, if I do say so myself!

During the weeks that T and L were gone we managed to clean out all kinds of clutter, organize closets, put away seasonal clothes that took up space, re-arrange furniture, rooms, storage, etc.! It was glorious!

During that course of time my sister had a birthday, the twins first birthday happened, the county youth fair took place, Holidays, and other events as well. But we did it! We got it done!

Not to mention the harvest from the garden that started, and continued, throughout the ENTIRE TIME! That made for interesting produce sizes… LOL!

The night before the boys came back home, we got all the big stuff moved, the beds made (kinda), and everything ready for their return!

And now, they are home.

We have continued to harvest from the garden, keep the house managed almost as well as I hoped we would, maintain a routine and schedule (with some minor hiccups that are beyond our control), and even got a trampoline this week to babysit the older three! Ha!

Yeah… we stayed busy. Just a little.

It’s been a long summer. A fast summer. A slow year. A weird season in our lives. And yet… weird as it has been, it has been good.

It has been good for my mind, my health, my heart, my family, and my spirit.

I have grown so much in the 7 months that 2020 has given us, so far.

I am excited about the things that have happened up to this point, and even more excited about the things to come! It’s going to be a great year!

And… still a busy one.

More to come!!

All the love,


Progress Is Progress, Is Progress: Getting projects done one at a time

Progress Is Progress, Is Progress: Getting projects done one at a time

It is currently midnight, I noticed as I sit here to type out a blog post for my wonderful readers.

This seems to be the new normal time for me, the new quiet time, study time, reading and writing time, or anything else I might want to get done while I am finally alone… (shower!)

I’m not complaining at all, though! We have been doing a ton of stuff in and around the house over the past month, at least! And it’s been a blessing!

We have been redoing bedrooms, cleaning out storage and clutter, planted a garden, tended the garden (my grandparents more than I on that one), and now harvesting vegetables from that garden!

The pandemic has brought changes to our routines, as well…

Appointments are mostly on a computer screen, for various things.

Going to the store requires masks, not taking the whole family along, and “social distancing” keeping at least six feet between people in public places.

There was no baseball this year, so crying has been acceptable.

The church we just started attending at the beginning of the year had closed their doors to gathering for months, and was able to reopen, only to close again during a spike of the virus in our area.

During this “social distancing” lifestyle change we have had several events take place that would have been much different.

Birthdays, anniversaries, funerals, memorials, graduations, and so much more.

There were no party gatherings.

The twins will be a year old in just over a week.

There will be no party gathering.

What there WILL be, however, is a happy family here in my home, together and safe, all in their newly renovated bedrooms, with their gaming systems and desks, computers, books, games, puzzles, toys, notepads and sketchpads, art supplies, and more all in their places for us to grab when needed and do something fun and cool together.

Not to mention their fuzzy house shoes! Lawd Jesus, these boys have some fun taste in certain fashions!

The flooring project has been testy, to say the least. My poor father has sweat, bled (literally!), and labored over the flooring in the bedroom he is working on now, for days, and it is still not quite finished.

I had planned to paint over the past couple of days, but this garden took lots of attention (besides the normal kids, laundry, dishes, cooking distractions of course), and the walls are still unfinished as well.

No setback has been significant, though, which is a good thing! We have made many big steps forward on the projects at hand, and no steps back… just some pausing here and there. That works for this mama!

Baby milestones are being met, and such joy all around as they are doing so!

Part of the problem at nighttime lately, is the constant flow of thoughts that invade my attempts to sleep.

There is much yet to be done, a little bit of a time crunch, and this mama who wants to see it ALL completed in that timeframe. And then some!

And then there have been the lists!

Oh…the lists…

Anyone who has an overactive mind understands exactly what I am saying, here!

Let me give an example of what I wrote out two nights ago:

To Do Lists

Menu for the week

Shopping lists accompanying the menu

Shopping lists for hygiene, cleaning, laundry, necessities other than food

List of needs around the house

List of needs for the back porch and garage areas

Baby needs

Big kid needs

Working the Scentsy business


Scheduling all of the above and organizing it in the daily planner

Rewriting some of it so it all fits into a single day

Remembering something that was forgotten and changing a list or five

Lists of calls that need to be made, appointments, emails, etc.

Prayer lists

Reading lists

And even a list of goals (many hopes and dreams) for myself and the family.

Now, I don’t do this every night. But I do tend to write this much at the beginning of each month, and I often go over these lists near the end of the month to see how much of it all I accomplished.

And yes, I know there isn’t a list of “Mommy needs” mentioned above…

That seems to happen after the rest, and once I think about it those above lists are the “mommy needs” that I would prefer to see done. 😊

I typically get my joy in seeing completion of the other projects, and maybe some rest here and there, in between.

So, here I lay, dozing off as I type. This post will be finished and posted during the daytime tomorrow… or maybe the day after… depending on when I get some free time. Ha!

Speaking of tomorrow! I can’t wait! Because more will be done, and I’ll be one day closer to the finished product! Yayness!!

All the love to you!