Back To School-Pandemic Style: The Journey of Learning Continues
If there is one thing that I KNOW I’m not going through alone, it is the return to school for my children during a pandemic.
Oh. My. Word!
Social Distancing, wearing masks, only going to school for two days, half days at that, and the rest online learning. It’s all part of a phrase I have come to loathe, personally: “The New Normal.”
Just, no.
It isn’t normal, new or otherwise, but it is an adjustment that we all have to deal with, one way or another, whether we like it or not.
Many people have chosen to homeschool their children this year. Many have waited for the day their children would return to the schools again.
For myself and my family, thus far, we are doing the “blended learning” program that our district has offered.
Because I NEED some time to myself (well, with the twins too), to get some things done, daily “office” type things, and my online work selling my glorious Scentsy stuffs! (Yes Lawd!)
And because my boys NEED to spend some time out of the house!
Cabin Fever was a thing, and a very intense thing, for a while this spring/summer! I prefer not to repeat the stress that came with that before the older boys went to their dad’s place for a time.
It continued while they were gone, for all of us.
Yes, Micah and I kept busy doing the remodel of the bedrooms, moving things, dumping things, organizing, and cleaning things, but we didn’t leave the house.
Titus and Levi did the bare minimum while with their father, because of the restrictions, and they were confined to their spaces there as well.
When they returned home, we got ready for school to begin.
Boy… was that fun! NOT!
Emails from the schools, parent surveys about remote learning and blended learning programs, the options for social distancing and if parents would comply or prefer to keep their children at home. The list goes on!
Do we buy school supplies, or do we buy computers?
Do we prepare for school attendance with extra laundry detergent, bleach, Clorox wipes, sanitizers, etc., or do we buy a deep freezer and stock up on extra food because we are about to have ALL our kids home all day, every day?
And then there’s the masks…
If the kids went to school, they would wear masks… the entire time!
I paced my house, daily, looking at my space. I wondered if I would need to move things around to make more space for small desks or tables, get chairs for said desks, or if I should be buying backpacks and supplies.
I filled out the parent surveys, sent them in, and waited…
Then we got the notice that blended learning was optional, and so was full remote learning.
Yeah, my kids are going to school!
So, what is the schedule of the blended learning program our district has put together?
I’m so glad you asked!
My boys are in “group B” and attend on Tuesday and Thursday every week, from 8am to 12:30pm. The remainder of the week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, they do online learning via the chromebook computers provided on loan by the district for the academic year.
We are currently in week four…
I still have my hair.
It is turning gray.
We have a wretched sleep schedule!
Online days are rough. Attendance days are not quite as rough.
I get some time to do bigger projects in the house while they are gone for a half day, and it feels good to have my time to dance with the broom, and sing into my kitchen utensils turned microphone while I clean them and put them away.
The twins enjoy my antics, and I am rewarded with many giggles, squeals, applause, and they are even starting to mimic my noises and behaviors. It’s gold!
Developing a functional routine in a blended learning environment has proven to be a challenge. It’s not at all the same, or as simple, as it is not consistent… yet.
It will be. It is just taking some time, adjustment, and more patience than I think I have at this time. Ha!
With all the computers, folders, papers, schedules, appointments, and that’s just the three older boys, I am a busy human!
I’m not sure when (or if) we will figure out a functional routine for this blended learning thing, but we are doing our best. Between me, three kids in school, two babies needing more and more active attention, and a house to keep up with, I’m a tired mama by the end of each day.
But! On the days when my checklist gets beyond the halfway point completed, I go to bed that night quite content! I make insane checklists for myself, and I keep thinking of more and more to add to them as the day goes on, so if I get through the parts that I created the night before I’m a happy camper!
But that’s a blog for another day. LOL!
Point is, we aren’t settled in a pattern yet. We may never be. And that’s okay. This is a year of crazy things, drastic changes, things beyond our control, and unexpected twists and turns all the way around. We haven’t been okay for months.!
It’s okay to not be okay.
That is something I cannot say enough.
I have been blessed with super resilient children. That is a blessing and a curse at the same time, because they learn to adapt to change, and some changes are not that great… but they adapt to them, and creating structure in the aftermath of such changes can be… difficult.
Because what is harder to kill than anything else?
Bad habits…
And THAT is also another blog for another day. LoL!
I would LOVE to hear your back to school stories. Your struggles, your victories, and the journey you are on with your children!
This is interactive! In so many ways!
I want to be there for you. I want to support you! And I would love your support and encouragement as well!
Until next time…
All the love!