Tend The Soil: A poem and devotional moment
We have entered a season of planting, of life and growth, and change.
But is the soil ready? Listen… tend the soil.
The seeds are ready to be placed in the ground, Everything from fruit and vegetables to trees and flowers!
But is the soil ready? Listen… tend the soil.
The sower went to sow his seeds, as Jesus told in his parable long ago.
And He is ready to sow again!
But is the soil ready? Listen… tend the soil.
And who are we? The sower? The seeds? No, we are the vessel, the place where things can grow!
But is the soil ready? Listen… tend the soil.
Is it easy to till the ground? No. There are rocks and thorns, and places high and low to be brought up and leveled down.
But before things can grow or even be planted, we must tend the soil.
The soil must be broken, tilled and plowed until it is fine like powder.
We will sweat in the sun, and toil in the rain, working the day and night hours.
For the harvest we see in the months and years to come
Will start with the soil before anything else. Is it ready? Listen… tend the soil.
And like the parable Jesus told see it from the ground. Does your soil have anything that could hinder growth of your fruit? Listen… tend the soil.
Even after planting, the crops need to grow.
The harvest comes from the fruit, the fruit from the stem, the stem from the stalk, and the stalk from the root. And where is the root? Listen… tend the soil.
If the soil is too dry the root will wither away. If too wet the plant will drown.
If there is too much in the way, thorns, rocks, sticks, and weeds, the plants will be smothered. Please hear me… tend the soil.
Time will go on, after the seeds are planted. It may be a while before the sprouts will show.
Now is not when we should take a break, or think our work is over. Now it is most important to tend that soil!
The first showing of our labor, crops raising all around! But along with the crops will come the weeds, here and there, in between and if left unattended will destroy the ground. Listen! Oh, hear me… tend the soil.
And when the fruit of the labor has finally come, and the harvest is upon us. The benefits will be shared with the world, from end to end, gifts and blessings… from the soil!
When the season has ended, and the harvest is complete. Even now is not the time to leave the ground unattended it must be ready for the new season and the new seeds. Tend the soil.
From the earth we are made, vessels of soil, where the Father wishes to grow, fruits to share with others everywhere More than we could even dare to know.
But one seed is not what we are made to hold, we go through seasons too. From tilling to planting and growing and harvest to clearing and planting again. Listen… tend the soil.
And how do we tend the soil, to keep it smooth and clear? With prayer, the Word, and fellowship with the vessel maker, who has seeds a plenty and is looking for vessels with soil ready, tend the soil…
This is so important, for without the soil the crop cannot grow. There can be no harvest, no fruit to share or show. We have a great vision with no limits in our sights! But we cannot get too hasty to plant if the soil isn’t right.
This season of trial and struggle we have had the past several weeks, has been a time of tilling and plowing I firmly believe. My soil has been broken, I have felt things be lifted, cracked, pulled, plowed, and over again, but I have reached in and with my own hands, touched soil that has been left for so long I couldn’t tend it, and had to commit it to His hands.
For soil left too long cannot be tended alone, the Farmer must come and break it up to help the fruit to grow.
And now the season of planting and sowing seed has come… but please, oh please, don’t forget the soil from now to harvest and beyond.
Listen… tend the soil.