Quarantine Life Has Amazing Days
It was Friday evening, as I sat and pondered my day…
Of all the things I wanted to do this day, I did barely any.
And it has been the best day ever!
It started out like most of my days, quarantine or not, and I expected the same as I have had every day for a while now.
Baby Care
Kids Schoolwork
More Cleaning
And today I was hoping to add some furniture moving and organizing as well.
And then my sister called…
For those who don’t know, my sister is a firefighter in our county. Here, when the tones drop, everyone who is able responds to the call.
Today has been exceptionally windy, and amazingly warm! When my sister called to tell me they had a fire, I told the boys she was bringing “the cousins” and Micah lit up immediately shouting, “YES!! Finally! It’s about time!” And we all felt his words in our souls!
We have been in this “social distance” order for some days now, going on two weeks. Everyone has cabin fever something fierce!
Half of the time we have been secluded in our own homes, unable to attend church, go shopping as a family, go to the park, or anything else recreational outside of our property line, it has also been raining… a lot.
Today was sunny, warm, windy, and just amazing!
My sister dropped off her kids and we set ourselves to the glorious task of playing outside!
Oh, the sound of pure joy!
Children running, laughing, playing, squealing, and having a great time. The dog barking and running with them. The chickens making their chicken noises and running away from everyone with their crazy antics.
I put the twins in their double stroller for their first afternoon in the sunlight.
They had a blast!
We strolled around the yards (mine and the grandparents next door) with them, showing them all the fun things that they will be getting themselves into in the coming months, and watching their little faces light up as they took in the sights.
Everyone spent most of the afternoon outdoors and it was a total blast!
Titus got a sunburn, his first of the season.
We had quality time with a couple of kiddos we don’t get as much time with as we would all like.
My grandparents were able to enjoy all of our littles in one place, at the same time, and seeing the smiles on their faces was well worth every moment of lost sleep.
Yes, lost sleep.
The twins did NOT nap that afternoon, and I didn’t get the sleep I was hoping for either.
But it was perfect, and I was fine with it all.
I got to watch a group of boys run and play, shout and laugh, scream and squeal, and even get a little spooked at weird insects and creepy, crawly things they found in the yard.
My nephews are probably the most energetic toddlers I have ever had the privilege of knowing since Micah was that little! On a normal day, I probably would have been exhausted having everyone together as long as we were together, because my poor sister had TWO fire calls, back to back, but we were starving for some connection with other human beings, in person, and this was that answer to prayer!
I don’t even remember small details about the day, at all. I don’t remember what we did for supper. I don’t remember exactly how long the boys were here. I only remember the feeling.
Pure Joy!
Absolute happiness at finally having an outlet for all the kids, mine and my sister’s, and for myself!
After they left to go back to their home, we all settled inside our house and rested for the remainder of the evening and for bed that night.
I sat and thought about the day and looked over at my list of things I had hoped to get done. The list didn’t matter to me anymore. I was satisfied with the day, the results of the day, and the smiles on everyone’s faces at the end of the day.
The list could wait. There are plenty more days in this “social distance” timeline, and I was not in a rush this day to pile all my “to-do’s” into a single day for everyone to worry about with me.
Now, as nature would have it, I am certain my next post will be about the restlessness, fighting, tension, and crazy in my household. Because I cannot seem to have an “amazing day” post without some sort of insanity following close behind!
But tonight, I don’t mind. Why? Because…
This was an amazing day.
And, although I know there will be rough days ahead, there will be more amazing days as well.
Remember the little things!
Much Love!