Stop! Take some “Me Time”
As a mother, I find that I rarely take time for myself. It’s all about the kids in my life, and I am more than happy to have this role!
As a Single Mother, though, I tend to lose myself more often than not and it takes a toll on me physically, mentally, and emotionally from time to time.
From the rising of the sun we are go, go, go.
Kids up, showered, ready for their buses to school. If they miss said buses, hurry and get a hold of the grandparents next door to make sure they noticed the bus leaving without one or more children… Yes, folks. This is my life.
After everyone is off to school, whether on a bus or in a grandparent vehicle, it is time to tend to the twinsies.
Babies fed and cared for, on to household chores while they entertain themselves with their fun toys and flashy, loud music things.
Dishes, laundry, clean, break for coffee (probably the second or third cup by now… don’t hate!), back to it, break again to feed, change, and put babies down for a nap…
I Try to work in some blogging, posting on social media for my other job ( I am an independent Scentsy consultant – full time ), feed myself (probably for the first time that day), and back to babies when they wake… around the same time the older three get home from school (again, bus or grandparent vehicle).
About the parent vehicle part, I will have to post a blog about my darling maternal grandparents very soon! My relationship with them is definitely an entire blog posting on its own!
Kids get home, snacks, games, homework (if they admit they have any), some boy fights here and there, scrapes, bangs and booms, supper, showers, more scrapping, gaming, and playing with the babies (they actually do that A LOT), and finally bed!
Typically, I lay in my bed after everyone is sound asleep, NIGHTLY, and wonder where in the world the day went and how I missed it so easily!
Sometimes I sit and take selfies, in hopes that I can use them in a blog post someday, too!
I run through my mental checklist:
Did I make the phone calls I told myself LAST NIGHT I was going to make today?
Did I eat more than once?
Did I get everyone’s stuff back in their backpacks, so we don’t go hunting for papers tomorrow?
Did I shower?! *sniffs under arms* Yeah, we’re good.
Can grocery shopping wait till the day after tomorrow?
Did I check my planner? *near panic*
Did I miss any appointments?
*checks planner in the dark*
Ok, whew! We’re good.
Wait… what if I didn’t write something down and I did have an appointment that we missed?? *panic again*
*Takes out notebook, in the dark, and begins tomorrow’s checklist*
*Falls asleep writing…*
630am next morning, Repeat.
This is where you HAVE to stop the cycle! It HAS to end! If it doesn’t, you will find yourself exhausted, frustrated, emotionally wrecked, spread too thin, and eventually burnt out completely!
Take a minute. I don’t care if it’s midnight tonight, or in that single, quiet moment after the kids are out the door for school.
Take a DEEP breath! Hold it for a few seconds. Let it out… SLOWLY.
Moms are built to withstand a lot in this life, but sometimes we put more on ourselves than necessary, and sometimes the load needs to lighten.
So, after you take that breath, find your planner, phone app, whatever you need, and if you have to-schedule yourself into your own life! Get your “Me Time” in, and everyone around you will be better for it! You, most of all!
Mama, your health matters! All of it! Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual! Every part of you is important and I support you taking the time you need to see to your health!
If you only have 30 minutes a day to yourself, don’t spend it on social media. Find something that you think about, something maybe you miss doing because you never have time anymore. Make time for it!
Take a walk.
Don’t like walking? Go for a drive.
In the car too much? Sit under a tree, or on the porch, and soak in some sun.
Don’t like being outside? Sit at the kitchen table with a magazine, newspaper, book, puzzle, journal, or something to occupy your hands and mind with.
Listen to a podcast!
Don’t like reading? Honey get you an audio book! There are free apps for them!
Take a long, relaxing bath.
Don’t have a tub? (I don’t!) Take a long hot shower with music playing in the bathroom. Don’t lie… you take your phone in there!
Lay down for a bit and enjoy the silence.
Don’t think you can lay still? Take that audio book or podcast with you and listen to it there!
Bake cookies! Or brownies! I like to use the cheater boxes that only take 3 ingredients and 30 minutes!
Kids all over you every minute of the day, you say! Tell them it’s time to do chores if they are going to hang around inside the house! Booyah! Instant solitude!
Just wait. If you have an excuse, I have a solution!
Your time is important! And it’s just as important to YOU as it is to anyone else out there! There is only ONE you! Use wisely!
There really is serious meaning to “stop and smell the roses” people. It doesn’t have to be that you stop and smell flowers all the time. No! It means take that moment. Take note of the little things around you. One of those things being your ability to stop! Because, you CAN!
Don’t give yourself to everyone around you until there is nothing left.
Remember that you deserve some of you too.