And here we arrive at the final chapter of the great health scare of 2024.
Well, the first one anyway…
We are going to highlight Friday and Sunday in this post, as they were the days of fun and adventure… and the rest were filler days. LOL
The ambulance arrived at the hospital I would be admitted into. The doors opened and a burst of WARM air hit me.
Y’all. You know me! It was February… and it was warm! I was not happy at all. I looked up at the paramedic and mentioned the temperature. It wasn’t fair! It’s warm outside and I’m stuck to a gurney going into a hospital for God knows how long!
“Yeah. It’s supposed to be nice for a few days! Then, cold again.” She said as they wheeled my gurney from the truck to the doors of the ER.
I was too miserable to be upset for long, though. I had been bleeding for weeks, I was barely alert, and I had several feet of gauze shoved up where things don’t need to be shoved to slow the flow of blood.
To shorten the ER part of this tale, I will say that the Dr’s came in, OBGYN department knew I was coming and they knew I was “packed” and they were furious. The first thing they did after drawing yet more blood from my person was get that hot mess out of my body.
And when they did…
Red Niagara! For minutes! And then, Red Lake Michigan (or whatever large body of water) …
Everyone in there was like, “Oh my… whoa. Ok… more blood for you!”
It was then explained to me that my bleeding was internal… and it needed a place to go. So, if the “exit” from my body was closed off, it would start finding other places inside to retreat to. Not good, apparently.
Thankfully, Mom made it there to sit with me during my torture and torment shortly after I arrived in the ambulance. She got all the kiddos ready and off to their respective school destinations before following me up to the hospital.
By now, it’s mid-morning on Friday. I’m exhausted. Depleted. Have nothing left to give, at all. In more ways than one! They got me all set up and sent up to surgery floor for my stay while they decided exactly what was going to be done about my “unique situation” as they called it so many times.
Finally in my room on the 4th floor, I get to meet my nurses for the first time. A time of enormous discomfort for myself, and lots of sympathy for them from me as well.
I was soaked, not functional, unable to even sit up on my own at this point. I tried… gosh I tried! They had to clean me up as soon as I arrived, change my bed, my clothes, put an adult diaper thingy on me because the hemorrhaging was NOT letting up at all, and try to do it ALL while I’m laying in this bed!
Y’all. These nurses got skills!
After the magic they performed getting me and my bed changed out while I was still in it, they were able to reach out to my OBGYN to see if they were going to take out the baby growing system that day. I hadn’t eaten or drank anything in 24 hours. Mama was living off whatever was going into my body via IV tubes.
While we waited for word from the Docs, I got set up with more blood, iron infusions, and some other concoction via IV bags to give me some sort of nutrients.
I also got to meet lots of nurses, techs, lab personnel, some student doctors, and other people who apparently couldn’t wait to see the “unique situation” that was in room 409.
Fast forward to that afternoon. The doctor came in and explained how he determined best to handle my situation.
“Between a rock and a hard place” was used to describe me multiple times by all the people I encountered.
My Dr referred to me as “Interesting”, “unique”, “complicated”, and other things as well.
So, let’s review my situation:
I have blood clots in my lungs. I am bleeding. A lot! The bleeding needs to stop. But the concern is the clots… which is as bad (and could be worse). Both needs treated/fixed. But, given that one is total opposite of the other… only one can be treated/fixed at a time.
It was determined that I would be having an ablation procedure to try to slow/stop the bleeding. I would have to be taken off my blood thinners for 2 days prior to the surgery, if possible, but if the bleeding got worse 1 day would do if absolutely necessary.
Every decision maker in my medical case determined that a hysterectomy would make my already difficult situation worse and wanted to do the least alteration possible to my body, get me back on the blood thinners, and on the road to recovery ASAP.
With the plan in place, it was determined that I could finally EAT!
Y’all… I ate whatever they could bring me! Sandwiches, chips, yogurts, crackers, all of it! I munched on those wonderful ice chips that hospitals have for hours in complete bliss!
That evening, a dear friend of my mom and I came to see me and bring a cute flower with a balloon on it to brighten my room. We chatted, laughed, and enjoyed each other’s company. I remained reclined safely in my bed as any time I would even try to sit up without the bed lifting me my heartrate would jump into the 120’s. Everyone saw it. I was hooked up to all these monitors so they could see anytime my heartrate jumped at the nurse’s desk.
So, that prefaced my next part of the story…
While we were chatting, one of my WONDERFUL nurses came into the room to see if I could get up to go to the bathroom. A: I felt like I needed to and told them so, and B: they needed to see if I could stand on my own two feet.
I could not…
I got up, made it to the bathroom, and mind you I had been doing this at home for two weeks already, not realizing how BAD it was for me to do so…
I make it to the bathroom. I’m dizzy. But man, I had to PEE! So, I start trying to “do my thing” and I hear a phone ring in my room.
Yeah… that was the nurses desk calling my charge nurse to see if I was ALIVE at this point, because (unbeknownst to me) my heart rate was 155 and my BP had bottomed out waaaaaay below readings of anyone who is conscious.
I opened the bathroom door, took one look at my nurse and said, “Yeah… this wasn’t a good idea. I don’t feel well.”
My mother and our dear friend were in the room, eyes fixated on the monitors. My mother’s face was probably as white as mine at this point, obviously not for the same reason, and they were both immobile as the nurse guided me back to my bed.
I collapsed there, dizzy, nauseous, clammy, sweaty, and barely alert at this point.
It took a few minutes for my brain and my body to communicate to each other that I was back in bed and my heart could settle down. But once they did things got a little better by the minute.
More blood. More iron. More blood taken from me to see my counts.
Days of poking, testing, poking, testing, more poking again…
The ablation was done on Sunday morning. I was out for a bit, procedure completed. Pain. Lots of pain. Anxiety and fear that the procedure wouldn’t work. Paranoia. Depression. I missed my kids… a lot!
Thankfully, I had some yarn and my crochet hook with me while I was enjoying my stay at hotel Memorial Hospital. My bestie came to sit and visit the day before I was discharged. She brought her yarn and hook as well, and we got to sit and crochet, sip coffee, and chat about all the happy things in life. It was an uplifting moment during a time when the walls were closing in!
The day I was discharged a dear friend came to visit and bring me coffee. She got to be my ride home, and boy was I GLAD to escape back to my home and my kiddos! That ride home was another uplifting moment in a dark time! We laughed together, caught up with each other on life, and she got to be a witness to another small miracle in my life that will be for another post, another day. I will say this, God’s timing is most definitely impeccable!
Fast forward to today:
The ablation did work. It took months for the effects of the blood clots and then the heavy bleeding to finally fall away, and I do still have some every now and then. But I am doing so much better today than I was 5 months ago!
The support I have received through these months has been amazing! Thank you all for keeping me in thoughts and prayers, and lending assistance while we walked this crazy road!
Something I have let slip by me in recent months has been my devotion times. Those moments, whether they be in the morning, afternoon, or late at night, when I can open my Bible or another book that is inspirational to me and bask in some positive thoughts and prayers.
I am happy to say that I have picked up the habit again, and it has been a glorious thing!
One, small scripture has been in my mind for weeks now and I just felt I needed to share with you all my thoughts on this one.
Whether you are a Christian or not… this is for you!
Philippians 4:8
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”
In the past several months, I have seen and experienced many changes in life.
Ups and downs.
There were moments of great joys and moments of worry and stress. And sometimes, like many people do, I would lose myself in the lesser moments. The moments of worry, stress, pondering things of the past that are no longer relevant to my life or my family, and I would forget the things I SHOULD be thinking about.
And I have learned and known from experience, those things that we THINK about eventually become the things we SPEAK. Right?!
Which is why this verse is sooooo important!
I can vividly remember a time when my family was going through a struggle, when I was a teenager, and my mom would quote this verse at random, just walking around the house or even driving in the car. I didn’t memorize this verse for Bible drills as a child, or as a memory verse in Sunday School. No, I memorized this verse by hearing my mother quote it for a very, very long time. Almost daily.
When I had moments of frustration my mom would ask me if my thoughts were true, honest, pure, lovely, just, of good report, virtuous or praise-worthy, and I couldn’t tell you how many times I rolled my eyes so far, I’m shocked they never got stuck!
Fast forward to this past year…
I cannot tell you how many times I have caught myself, in moments of frustration with people, circumstances, and other things, thinking, “is this something that is TRUE? Is this HONEST? Is it PURE? Is this VIRTUOUS?… and if not, WHY am I letting it invade my thoughts rent-free?!”
Now let’s talk about my experiences with thought to word…
I went through some dark days several years ago, and they lasted quite some time. My thoughts were not positive. They were not happy. I was angry, bitter, hurt, lonely, and pretty much broken. I let the negative seep into my mind, and it eventually became how I spoke.
My words were not positive. My outlook on life was not positive. And with every negative thought that became words, it came full circle and made me even more miserable.
And then I found PEACE…
I cannot tell you when or where. I just know it happened. And it was a glorious thing!
With peace came the memories I had let myself forget. The times when I would hear my mother speak words of wisdom, peace, joy, love, kindness, and all things encouraging in times of struggle in her own life. How she was able to stand up and stay silent during times when crumbling and giving up during the battle was so tempting! I thought she was just being too nice, but she was building her heart and mind into something amazing!
And she was building it in me as well…
And so, here we are…
We have endured a Pandemic, lock-down, remote learning, remote working, NO working, wearing masks everywhere, not being able to gather as families and groups, and so much more!
People got sick.
People died.
People we know.
I have seen families fall apart.
I have seen people endure mental struggles they would have never otherwise experienced.
I have had to explain to my children why we couldn’t “go and do.”
We have endured struggles because of things beyond our control.
We have endured hardships.
I could go on and on about the things we have “suffered.”
But why???
Because it is so easy to fall victim of the one thing that captures our thoughts and words… the negative.
There’s another verse in the Bible that talks about our words. In Proverbs… “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…”
So, when we THINK the negative, we SPEAK the negative. And the negative kills.
I’m not talking about killing a person. I am talking about killing other things.
Negative kills joy.
It kills laughter.
It kills kindness.
It kills peace.
It kills love.
It kills our praise.
And it kills the spirit…
So let’s put a flip on it for a moment and see how it changes the outlook.
(We had a pandemic, and lock-down.)
I got to spend an entire year with my babies and experience every milestone!
(People got sick with Covid.)
Nobody in my family got ANY other virus all year!
(I didn’t have a job for a while.)
I got to spend all spring and summer in the garden with my grandmother who is 80 years old. We snapped beans, canned pickles, talked about tomatoes, peppers, flowers, and more!
(My children struggled with remote learning.)
My kids got to learn to drive tractors, hike, ride bikes and golf carts, fix broken things, install flooring, appliances, and bathroom things, and learned many family skills!
I got back to my roots!
I picked up books, my Bible, my journal, my notebooks, and my computer and I filled my heart and mind with the things that make me happy, stronger, more peaceful, and my spirit is happy.
Yes, I still have days and nights where I sit and wonder how I am going to do things on my own. I wonder when I will get enough sleep. I wonder how I will manage to spread myself a little thinner for all the things a single mother of five must do on the daily…
Sometimes I wonder what I am doing with myself when I open a new Word document to write another blog post.
Do I have anything to say that will help someone today?
Do I have any useful insight to this thing called life?
Am I really making a difference for anyone out there?
I certainly hope so.
Even when I just type a little about my day, or my week, I hope that I am giving a little inspiration to someone who needs it right now.
I don’t want to sugarcoat anything or give a false impression to the world that my life is easy, smooth, or even just a little bumpy.
And lately, things have been rocky.
Very rocky.
I have felt disconnected from friends, family, support, and people I would normally reach out to for advice, encouragement, and prayers.
So, what do I do when I feel this way?
First, I will admit I may sulk a little… Okay, more than a little.
Yep. I mope, sit and stare, go radio silent, give short responses to people who may reach out to me, avoid gatherings, stay home, hide, and just… sulk.
This part may last anywhere from minutes to a day or two.
Then, I get a grip.
I get out my phone or radio, turn on some positive music, sometimes open my computer and start typing, clean something, do laundry, or find someone to connect with just to have a little conversation to distract myself from the negative.
But most of all, I open my Bible.
I read Psalms, Proverbs, grab a random New Testament book, or sometimes my Bible app and surf the “verse of the day” and just… read.
Last night was one of those nights.
I didn’t do any sulking, but I could feel the down trying to come around.
I opened my Bible app on my phone, because I was at work at the time, and I just wanted to share with you all some of the verses of the day that I came across while reading…
“Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” –Psalms 107:1 NKJV
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” –3 John 1:2 NKJV
“Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms.” –James 5:13 NKJV
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” –Hebrews 11:1 NKJV
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” –Hebrews 13:8 NKJV
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” –Philippians 4:13 NKJV
“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” –Psalms 27:1 NKJV
“The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.” –Proverbs 11:25 NKJV
“What then shall we say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” –Romans 8:31 NKJV
“You will show me the path of life; in Your presence if fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” –Psalms 16:11 NKJV
On top of the Bible verses that I look up, I also look for other, motivational quotes that uplift and build positive outlooks. I found quite a few good ones last night after I got home from work.
Here are a few of my favorites:
“It’s never too late – never too late to start over, never too late to be happy.” – Jane Fonda
“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”– Albert Einstein
“If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” – Will Rogers
“Nurture your mind with great thoughts. To believe in the heroic makes heroes.” – Benjamin Disraeli
“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” – Lao Tzu
“The difference between a successful person and others is not lack of strength not a lack of knowledge but rather a lack of will.” – Vince Lombardi
I know I didn’t say much about my world, our day, or anything else in a great “story telling” manner.
But tonight, it was a night of sharing a little of what inspires me when I am feeling the drain.
I know this Holiday season is one that is a bit more stressful than most in our lives, and with the stress comes other things that drag us down.
I get it. 100%!
I do hope that this post brought a little positivity and encouragement to you, as the verses and quotes do for me when I read them.
And I strongly encourage you to find some that help YOU as well!
There is great comfort in opening a physical Bible or book, reading and finding things that speak to your heart and soul, and getting a little encouragement for yourself.
As a matter of fact, I would love to know what some of your favorite Bible verses and inspirational quotes are that lift you up! Feel free to share them with me! And maybe I will use them in future posts. 😊
Recently I had to do a thing… something I dreaded for years, hoped wouldn’t happen until I was at least 40, and cringed as it unfolded before my face…
I was told I need glasses.
My heart sank! My gut twisted up in knots! My palms got sweaty as the Eye Dr kept changing the little glass slides in front of my face and asking, “is this clearer? Or…” *slide, click* “this?”
The letters on the wall opposite me were NOT clear, and nothing was helping yet.
After a few rounds, things started to shape up and I relaxed into the seat.
“Your eyes aren’t really that bad, honestly.” I vaguely heard him say.
Not that bad?! Ha! I’m terrified!
My son and I picked out glasses, made our orders, and went home.
A week later I got the call from the Eye Dr’s office. The glasses were in.
So, I drive to the office, on a dreary, dark, cloudy, rainy day.
We got our glasses picked up, the kids got theirs fitted to their faces, and then it was my turn.
I slowly pulled the black frames from the pocket of the soft, leather case… humor and dread filling me to the point I giggled and choked at the same time.
This was it. The moment I avoided for a few years, now. And how I avoided it for this long, I will say I am shocked now!
I put them up to my face… and my world shifted!
Like, no. It MOVED!
Everything changed!
Time slowed for a couple minutes while I adjusted to this new outlook in my world.
I looked around the room, toward the mirror (to make sure they weren’t crooked), and out the window to my car on the other side in the parking lot.
I could see beyond the window!
I could see beyond the window before, don’t get me wrong! But, seriously! This was actually 3D vision!
The tech’s voice brought me back to the room.
“Do they feel okay? They look like they fit great!”
I paused again.
“Oh! Uhm.. yeah.” I touched the sides of the frames again, no adjustment needed. “They’re… they’re actually great!”
She chuckled as she handed me the cases for the boys’ glasses since they already took off to the car.
“It’s different, needing them for the first time. But really, your eyes aren’t that bad at all! So, you are lucky!”
I laughed out loud at this point!
“If this isn’t bad… I’d hate to see what bad really is! This is HUGE! The difference is… weird!”
I thanked her and walked out the door to the car.
Here is where the fun would begin.
I was about to drive with these things on!
And drive, I did!
In the rain. On a gloomy, dark, dreary day.
And I could see beyond the windshield!!
Like, I had no idea I wasn’t seeing clearly what was beyond the windshield!
I thought my eyes were fine all this time!
The only thing that brought me to have my eyes examined was the weird thing they did while I was writing or journaling… making words scramble, jump off the page, and then slowly return to their actual location in my vision.
Ok… that’s pretty intense itself. Haha!
I had no idea my entire world would literally take on new detail and clarity before my very eyes!
Like tree bark! Did you know tree bark has detail???
This was hard to accept at first, I’ll be honest. I was so happy with myself being 36 and not needing glasses (when in reality I probably needed them since I was a teenager), and I had to adjust to the reality that my eyes aren’t perfect!
Sigh… Who knew?!
So, of course, this made me think about how imperfect we really are, and how our vision sometimes needs a little help with something to clear it up.
For some it is the things that are close up that we have trouble discerning, or seeing clearly, and for others it is more the things a bit farther away, but no less dangerous if overlooked or not seen.
Without the Word of God, the glasses He provided for our clarity of sight, we may find that things are harder to discern, harder to identify, and harder to get through as we stumble along, blurred vision, unclear and a little fuzzy.
It may not even be the harsh vision of someone nearly blind, but the smallest need for a tiny adjustment or assist. Either way, this world is a place where it all starts to look the same to our human eyes after a while.
The routines the same, the schedules the same, days are the same, nights are the same, and people are slowly becoming… all alike.
Don’t forget your glasses today. Your clarity. Your peace.
Without a vision the people perish, (Bible!) but the wrong visions, or the visions of false speakers and naysayers can kill a spirit just as quickly as blindness!
Take up your visions and take up your prayer life. Take up your bibles and take up your connections with elders and those who have gone before you on the same paths.
Take up your connection with the Most High. And SEE His good and perfect Will. Which is that none should perish, and ALL be together with Him forever.
I have come a long way in the past couple of years.
I have peace, joy, happiness, and a lot more patience than I have in a very long time!
Are my circumstances different? Not really… but I see them differently!
My life has purpose!
My trials are lessons, my sufferings are strengthening, and I am having so many growth moments! Every day there is a reason to smile, a lesson to learn, and so many chances to pray!
Now, are my experiences different? YES! I do NOT make the same mistakes I did in the past!
One of the amazing things about forgiveness of God is that I have been able to bury it all, just as He did! I am LIBERATED!
I used to use the “turn your stumbling blocks into steppingstones” phrase a lot in years past, but recently I adopted another one… “turn your stumbling blocks into tombstones.”
And this is where God stepped in!
I went to all my pain. All the hurts, the wrongs, the mistakes, the choices made, people I allowed to influence my mind and heart, words I said, the things done to me, said to me, and all the weapons I allowed to hurt me… and I buried them.
Every. Single. One.
And upon each of those graves, I erected a tombstone. There is nothing on that tombstone, just a smooth face, reflecting the light of God shining down on my life. They need no name. My mind will carry the memories of them well enough on its own, so I don’t need the extra reminder of what and who they were.
Only Grace.
“…But where sin abounded, Grace did much more abound.” – Romans 5:20(b)
It’s glorious!
I am changed! I am a walking testament of Romans 12:1-2 where Paul speaks to the church, beseeching them to present themselves as living sacrifices, acceptable to God… and that they be not conformed to this world, but TRANSFORMED by the renewing of the mind.
Y’all… let me tell you!
When you open your mind to Grace, you open your world up to a whole new level of Joy!
I spent so long being angry and bitter, my face froze that way! I remember people constantly asking me “You ok? Something wrong? Are you mad?” and I wasn’t! I was just minding my own business!
Today that face no longer exists! I smile, I laugh, I giggle, and I sing all over the place! In my house, my car, the yard, waking the kids up in the morning, playing with the babies, doing the laundry, or driving down the road!
Because God!
Not me!
I tried making it on my own!
I tried healing my own wounds. I tried getting over my own hurts, and backtracking from my own mistakes. I didn’t want anyone’s help, and I most definitely didn’t want to prove some people right and have to rely on a church family for anything! Why would I go back to my first hurt?!
But this is where God stepped in!
I am a child of God. I am beloved of Him, and I am His!
Even when I walked away, He stayed with me. He walked with me through it all. And even though I felt like all was lost, broken, and gone, He held my doubting heart and carried it through the worst of it all!
One passage changed my world, sitting all by myself in my bed one day, reading and trying to find SOMETHING that would lift me up…
Isaiah 43:1-2 “But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel: ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.’”
After all this time! I never was alone, at all! YES!
And then… I knew I would have to face my greatest fear eventually: Going to church.
Why did I need this? Because we cannot survive on our own. Yes, God is enough! Yes, God has us! But God also instructs us to forsake NOT the assembling of ourselves… because this is necessary for so many reasons!
Why did I not want to go? Because it was the people there who hurt me first, and the place where my mind would convince me was the blame for my choices as I walked farther and farther away.
But go, I did. And I am happy to say I am quite alive after that experience. Ha!
No, really though. I am happy in the place where God has set me for now, and I am learning. I am growing. And I am excited that I have this freedom, this joy, and the genuine smile I thought I would never get back!
Change is good, my friends. And as more changes come, they will also be good! I do not fear the unknown as I used to. I look forward to it with excitement and anticipation!
We have entered a season of planting, of life and growth, and change.
But is the soil ready? Listen… tend the soil.
The seeds are ready to be placed in the ground, Everything from fruit and vegetables to trees and flowers!
But is the soil ready? Listen… tend the soil.
The sower went to sow his seeds, as Jesus told in his parable long ago.
And He is ready to sow again!
But is the soil ready? Listen… tend the soil.
And who are we? The sower? The seeds? No, we are the vessel, the place where things can grow!
But is the soil ready? Listen… tend the soil.
Is it easy to till the ground? No. There are rocks and thorns, and places high and low to be brought up and leveled down.
But before things can grow or even be planted, we must tend the soil.
The soil must be broken, tilled and plowed until it is fine like powder.
We will sweat in the sun, and toil in the rain, working the day and night hours.
For the harvest we see in the months and years to come
Will start with the soil before anything else. Is it ready? Listen… tend the soil.
And like the parable Jesus told see it from the ground. Does your soil have anything that could hinder growth of your fruit? Listen… tend the soil.
Even after planting, the crops need to grow.
The harvest comes from the fruit, the fruit from the stem, the stem from the stalk, and the stalk from the root. And where is the root? Listen… tend the soil.
If the soil is too dry the root will wither away. If too wet the plant will drown.
If there is too much in the way, thorns, rocks, sticks, and weeds, the plants will be smothered. Please hear me… tend the soil.
Time will go on, after the seeds are planted. It may be a while before the sprouts will show.
Now is not when we should take a break, or think our work is over. Now it is most important to tend that soil!
The first showing of our labor, crops raising all around! But along with the crops will come the weeds, here and there, in between and if left unattended will destroy the ground. Listen! Oh, hear me… tend the soil.
And when the fruit of the labor has finally come, and the harvest is upon us. The benefits will be shared with the world, from end to end, gifts and blessings… from the soil!
When the season has ended, and the harvest is complete. Even now is not the time to leave the ground unattended it must be ready for the new season and the new seeds. Tend the soil.
From the earth we are made, vessels of soil, where the Father wishes to grow, fruits to share with others everywhere More than we could even dare to know.
But one seed is not what we are made to hold, we go through seasons too. From tilling to planting and growing and harvest to clearing and planting again. Listen… tend the soil.
And how do we tend the soil, to keep it smooth and clear? With prayer, the Word, and fellowship with the vessel maker, who has seeds a plenty and is looking for vessels with soil ready, tend the soil…
This is so important, for without the soil the crop cannot grow. There can be no harvest, no fruit to share or show. We have a great vision with no limits in our sights! But we cannot get too hasty to plant if the soil isn’t right.
This season of trial and struggle we have had the past several weeks, has been a time of tilling and plowing I firmly believe. My soil has been broken, I have felt things be lifted, cracked, pulled, plowed, and over again, but I have reached in and with my own hands, touched soil that has been left for so long I couldn’t tend it, and had to commit it to His hands.
For soil left too long cannot be tended alone, the Farmer must come and break it up to help the fruit to grow.
And now the season of planting and sowing seed has come… but please, oh please, don’t forget the soil from now to harvest and beyond.